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I do not own the song, the characters, and pictures. I just edited the pictures. However this story is mine, and please do not copy it. Be original.
Song: Love Story
Artist: Taylor Swift
Chapter Name: Laid To Rest

T H I R D   P E R S O N   P O V

Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick—

Kyouka wants to punch that damn clock. However, her sleeping roommate really wouldn't appreciate getting woken up by Jirou violently killing a clock.

The girls sighs as she quietly hops up from her bed. She grabs her favorite tan acoustic guitar from off its stand as she tiredly drags herself down the stairs. Making sure she doesn't make any noise, she walks into the main music room, where all the other music shit she owns lives.

She starts going through some of her old written pieces, reminiscing in the memories that come with each song.

The melodies of her heart beats like a mini drum; following the conductor like a baby duck while swimming in a pool of numbness as she comes across her first piece.

The purple haired girl sighs once more as she pulls out the old work. Carefully setting up her guitar, she grabs her pic and starts to silently strum.

I'm sorry that I didn't notice,

The first chord is lightly played—as the song is only starting out. A soft vibration rings in Kyouka's sweet head voice.

I'm sorry that I was a fool,

Kyouka feels the strings move from the friction with her blue guitar pic. The light feeling calms the girl, as she quietly continues to sing.

You left us in the dark,

Jirou remembers she had only written this song at eleven. It was her first time attempting a song. She needed to vent; and this was her way of doing it.

Now do you see that wasn't cool.

Although Kyouka left the door open, and is usually alert as she's practicing, she just is so swept away in singing that she doesn't notice light footsteps coming into the giant room.

Your sister cries relentlessly,

Kyouka quietly strums as she lowers her voice for that certain line.

Your mother is crying too,

The figure takes a seat against the wall, with Jirou still not noticing the shadow of her homeroom teacher/father-figure.

Your father cannot notice your absence, But I swear he misses you.

Shouts softly listens to the young musician. He half-smiles as she gracefully does what she's the best at. Jirou pauses for a second in the song, before singing another verse. She pauses hesitantly before singing the chorus.

I swear I'm so so sorry,
I really tried my best,
But you didn't listen to me or her,
And now you've been laid to rest.

I swear I'm so so sorry,
I really came in last,
You've done what you've feared most,
And now you've been laid to rest.

Laid to rest.

The glistening of a couple of tears streak down the teenagers face, as the instrument slides off of Kyouka's lap. Shouta decides it's time to make his presence known as he shuffles over to the girl.

He doesn't talk. She doesn't talk. It's a silent exchange. Shouta kneels down next to her, as she immediately clings onto his shirt. Kyouka starts to silently sob, as Aizawa pulls her into a full fatherly hug.

The man slowly rocks the girl and himself back and forth, trying to help the girl just calm herself down. Shouta succeeds in his mission, as he feels the teenager go limp against him.

Shouta rolls his eyes and playfully smiles as the girl quietly mumbles 'I'm not tired.'

The black haired teacher swiftly picks the girl up bridal style, as he carries her back upstairs.


Waking up the next morning is chaos. When Shouta comes down into the kitchen, Hizashi's shirt is on fire. The blonde screams as he holds the shirt out, making sure he doesn't burn himself. Todoroki is standing behind him with a guilty smirk on his cheeky little face.

Katsuki is chasing Izuku around the main floor, while Eri is following suit in looking for bacon; or at least Shouta hopes she's saying bacon. The other option is a not-so-nice curse word to be using in Hizashi and Shouta's house of love and care.

Shouji is cooking some eggs, looking grumpy—Shouta can't blame the kid.

Suddenly, five stray cats wander in. Ochako, Tsuyu, and Ibara all go over to cuddle the ferocious beasts, as they give them the cat treats the family keeps for whenever the cats stop by.

The neighborhood the group lives in is known for stray cats coming around, and with Shouta and Hizashi loving animals, it was hard to resist against getting a cat door. So now all the strays in the neighborhood come to the Aizawas' to get food. Shouta doesn't complain. It's cheap real estate, and free cats.

"Mr. Aizawa, what would you like for breakfast?" Satou happily greets his teacher as the boy carries a myriad of pans and tins.

Shouta grins as he answers with, "I'll take a juice pouch." He sees Hizashi pout in the corner.

"Shouta! You know those aren't healthy!" The blonde says screeching once more, making Shouta cover his ears. The man playfully flicks him off as he stumbles over to the kitchen cabinet for his yummy food pouch.

"Papa! I want to try one!"

Shouta blinks as he turns his head left to see the tiny unicorn girl clinging onto his leg. Shouta's jaw drops as he turns to stone. Hizashi starts to happily squeal and tear up at the sight of the cuteness.

"Can I try one as well?" Todoroki asks as if Eri hadn't just called Shouta her dad. Shouta shockingly turns towards the peppermint boy. Shouta looks at the boy's eyes. He actually is showing an emotion of interest. Shouta can resist, even if his jelly packets are his life.

"Yeah, s-sure." Shouta says as he grabs three of the juice pouches. He notices that they are the last ones in the box.

Oh well, he's going shopping tomorrow anyways.


Sorry the chapter is shorter, I've been dealing with some stuff.

I just wanna let you guys know if you need anything, or if you just wanna talk, my DMs are always open. ❤️

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