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I do not own the song, the characters, and pictures. I just edited the pictures. However this story is mine, and please do not copy it. Be original.
Song: Where No One Goes
Artist: John Powell & Jónsi
Chapter Name: ⚠️ The Talkative Child ⚠️


Waking up to his extremely annoying ringtone, Shouta yawns and mentally face palms at what could have possibly happened now.

Luckily, the caller ID only shows his husbands name. Cutting off the ringer as he answers his loudmouth lover, the first thing his ear hears is frantic shouting. This instantly alarms Shouta—with all that's happened, how could he not be a little scared—but the tired man calms down when he realizes it's a playful kind of shouting. The voices are also coming from small children from what Shouta can hear. However, with all the shit Shouta's been through, and the fact that it's literally two-fourteen in the morning, makes Shouta just shrug it off as his ears malfunctioning.

"Sho, I managed to run into the jackpot!" Hizashi yells with pride from the other side of the phone.

Shouta sighs in relief before starting to talk, "Jesus, Hizashi, you scared me. And what the hell did you even find at two in the morning? Weren't you supposed to be home by now?"

Hizashi apologizes for being out so late, making Shouta roll his eyes and brush it off. However, the grumpy man is extra curious with all the loud commotion from children behind him, and Hizashi's voice being at his all time happy; the loud blonde had been quieter with all the trauma going on, as to not startle the poor teenagers living in the same household.

Noticing that his throat is unusually dry, Shouta reaches over to grab a sip of his water. He lifts the glass cup off of the nightstand. He takes a sip.

"I'm with Shigaraki and Toga!" Hizashi yells gleefully.

Shouta spits out the water.

"HIZASHI, WHAT THE FUCK?" The man yells in terror, knowing that the crazy psychopaths his husband is currently with have tried to kill both of them, their friends, and their students multiple times. "ARE YOU INSANE?"

Shouta can hear Hizashi laugh over the phone. The grumpy man flings himself out of his bed. Shouta grabs his capture weapon, which is resting on his dresser.

"Toga, I swear to god if you touched my husband—" Shouta gets interrupted by even more laughing.

That's when he hears it:

He hears children laughing in the background. He can hear Shigaraki—strangely—and Toga playfully yelling at the kids to be quieter. Hizashi is definitely the one holding the phone, as he's the furthest away from the laughter.

Sighing, Shouta shakes his head. "Let me guess; more strays?"

Hizashi laughs, "You bet."


Hizashi and his group of followers sneak through the front door at around three am. Most of the children have fallen asleep by now, and are being carried by a tired Toga, Shigaraki, and Yamada.

Shouta is sitting in the living, as he had wandered downstairs after Hizashi hung up.

The grumpy man smiles at his husband, as he rushes over to take a sleeping young girl out of Shigaraki's arms so he doesn't accidentally disintegrate her. He carries the young girl into a free room on the second floor, with Toga following him. The blonde teenager places a young greenette on the other bed.

Making their way back out into the hall, he sees Hizashi and Shigaraki exit from the other free room after placing the two young boys into bed.

They all head up to the fourth floor, and place the two oldest girls into a room together, making sure they can't accidentally roll off the bed or something. The three adults sigh while Toga yawns tiredly.

"Now all that's left is to show you two to your rooms, FOR NOW. I don't know how the hell you escaped prison, but I intend to find out in the morning. I'm too tired for this shit at the current moment." Shouta glares at the two villains, showing Shigaraki to the room across from the two young girls.

Shigaraki grumpily gives Toga a stern 'goodnight,' and then proceeds to slam the door in Aizawa's face.

'Asshole.' Shouta thinks.

Taking a stroll back down the stairs to the third floor, they quickly show Toga to a room. Himiko waves to the pro heroes as they trudge off back to their room to hopefully get some shuteye.


Waking up at dawn is a horrifying habit Hizashi has. He's made it apart of his daily routine to watch the sunrise every morning he has the time to.

What the blonde doesn't expect to see is one of the young girls that he had brought back to the house last night was also up bright and early. Her purple hair is done into messy pigtails which run down her shoulders.

"Oh, good morning mister!" She exclaims excitedly. "Can I help you with breakfast? I like cooking! I also like talking, talking's really fun!"

Hizashi can hold back a laugh at the young girl's enthusiasm. He happily tells her she's absolutely welcome to help him with cooking for over fifty-something people. The blonde thinks that it'll be fun to have a little friend who's just as riled up as he is.

"Wait a hot minute, what's your name little listener?" Hizashi says gleefully. The girl grins at the mention of being asked a question—Hizashi finds this quite worrisome as it looks like she's not used to positive questions being asked.

"My name's Ayaka! I heard it means flower. It's really weird, but I like it. Tama-Chan named me from what mama said! You probably don't know who Tama-Chan is, but that's okay! Have you ever tried ramen? I heard it's really really good!" 'Ayaka' nearly shouts while bouncing up and down.

One by one, everyone starts to wake up and lurch downstairs for breakfast. Everyone is happy to meet Ayaka. She happily blabbers to everyone who comes down the stairs.

But what Hizashi doesn't expect is for Ayaka to practically freeze in her spot when Mirio comes down the stairs yawning.



Cliffhanger bitches! Have fun theorizing! ✌🏻

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