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I do not own the song, the characters, and pictures. I just edited the pictures. However this story is mine, and please do not copy it. Be original.
Song: Would You Be So Kind
Artist: dodie
Chapter Name: ⚠️ Wake Yourself Up ⚠️

T H I R D   P E R S O N   P O V

Pulling into the driveway, Hizashi hurriedly jumps out of the car. Touya chuckles quietly behind the man, lifting himself out of the vehicle.

Touya quickly grabs his little suitcase from the trunk. Slamming the door shut, the two walk up to the front doors.


Shouto walks down the stairs to the main floor at a normal pace. Momo follows the boy downstairs, as the two are going to grab some snacks. However, he doesn't expect to see his older brothers standing in the middle of the doorway.

"Touya? What are you doing here?" The peppermint boy questions, surprised.

"Hey, kid. They let me out early." The redhead quickly explains. The younger Todoroki pulls him into a loving hug. Momo watches from behind them, grinning.

Hizashi walks up to the two them, and ruffles both of the boys' hair. The loud blonde shuffles over to the tall teenage girl, giving her a side hug as they watch the two boys tell each other funny stories.

Fuyumi and Natsuo eventually waddle into the room, seeing their older brother when he isn't even supposed to be out of the hospital for at least another three weeks.

Within about two hours, everyone in the household had welcomed Touya into the household—in their own ways of course.

The family celebrates by eating sweets and playing bored games.

As Shouta and Hizashi watch their students—children, per say—they notice their happy smiles that have replaced the numb frowns that were stapled on their faces. It makes the blonde tear up, as the raven side smiles at the group of problem children.


Touya has spent the last four days getting used to being in a normally functioning house hold. It's...different; a good different to say the least.

However, he doesn't expect for the family to grow so quickly.

One day, as he, Asui, Natsuo, Amajiki, and Bakugou are all sitting in the living room with Shouta, they all hear a loud knock at the door.

Grumpily, Shouta lurches over to the piece of wood, swinging it open. A giant with large muscles is standing behind the door, with fifteen or sixteen children behind him. Touya tries to count the exact number, but gets lost on curiosity as Shouta and the giant man start talking.

"Vlad? What the hell?" Shouta exasperates.

"Hey, sorry for the intrusion. However, I would really like to take that offer of your extra living space? A few of the little cringe nuggets decided it would be fun to burn down my kitchen; which turned into my whole house." The man explains, as Shouta face palms.

"Oh, Jesus Christ—fine." The black haired teacher groans, letting the children in.

When Hizashi and Shouta first moved into the house, they offered their homes to some of the teachers as they had a lot of extra rooms and space. They do live in an abandoned orphanage after all.

So now class the rest of 1B and Vlad have shot themselves into the redhead's life; not that Touya disagrees with this.

He finds the kids quite enjoyable, actually.


Later that night, Hizashi and Shouta are laying in their comfy bed. The two have the television on—something about a minor storm out in the middle of the ocean. But the two aren't even listening. Shouta has his arms wrapped around his blonde husband, as the latter has his head on his husbands chest.

Cuddling people isn't Shouta's thing, but if his husband wants it, he'll do it.

Ring ring.

"Damnit..." Shouta growls as he shifts over to the edge of the bed to grab his phone. Hizashi whines as his husband pulls away from the warm snuggle hug.

"Alright, Nedzu, what the hell is it this time?" Shouta rightfully grumbles.

"Um, do I sound like Nedzu?" A feminine voice answers Shouta's previous statement. Blush rises on the man's face as he realizes it's his high school friend—and now colleague—Nemuri.

The teacher sighs. "Sorry Nemuri, what's up?"

Nemuri goes quiet for a second, making Shouta's heart start to pound. He hears two voices talking in the background of wherever Nemuri is. Whoever those people are need to shut up and let the suspension rise.

"Mineta's dead."

Shouta blinks once. Then he blinks twice. He pulls his phone away from his ear for a second to see if he's hearing things.

"...I'm sorry...what?" The man finally replies back after about two minutes of just sitting there. Hizashi gives his husband a confused look, already having taken his hearing aids out.

"You heard me; Minoru Mineta is dead." The pro hero states once more.

Nemuri then starts to explain the story of how when Mineta got expelled, he knew that the girls had enough evidence to put him away. That's what seemed to break the kid into committing suicide. Or that's what was explained in the note left behind when the police found his body. He had stabbed himself—a very graphic way to choose to die.

Shouta is then met with a bunch of on coming emotions. Disgust, disappointment, anger, and hate. Who can blame the man? After the kid tried to rape his students (his daughters, now really) what else could he really feel?

And there was even a little fear. No student that had once attended U.A had died since Shirakumo. Shouta gets a gut feeling as Nemuri starts talking again, that something big is about to go down.

"Shouta? You aren't even listening, are you?" The blue haired lady tiredly asks.

"No, sorry."

Nemuri huffs, and then continues speaking, "It's fine, Shouta. Just take care of the kids. Vlad texted me earlier that he's staying with you guys now. Yu and I may come and stay with you two as well soon."

Shouta face palms at that thought. Nemuri is a good friend, sure, but with her around, the kids will go haywire.

"Ugh, fine. But you better not break our window again!" Shouta loudly answers.

The lady laughs. "Don't worry Shouta, no windows will be broken, whatsoever. You have my law and word."

"I swear to god, Nemuri."


Hey guys! I'm feeling a lot better now! Thank you again for all the sweet messages ❤️

I'll be posting a lot more now, I promise!

The next chapter of this book will be out in a few hours. Thank you all for reading!

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