1. loser

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Warning: If you do not like drugs like weed (although it is a plant so it's natural), this story may not be for you. This story is just a figment of my imagination, so if something does not make sense, I do apologize. 

I will be writing this when I am high. So there may be frequent updates and there may not be. Enjoy this bumpy road of a story. drugs, sex, cursing, bad choices lol. This story is very mature so if you don't like something. . . Just keep it to yourself lmao. Don't be a Karen. ENJOY.

At a party down town, kids and grown ass adults jumped to the beat of some shitty, popular music. The cement walls were caked with graffiti and the stench of alcohol, cigarettes and marijuana. The law was called many hours ago but that police officer was getting off duty and smoked a blunt or two with some of the seniors of the high school. No one gave a shit. But Louis did. It was his first party ever. 

He didn't think he would ever attend a high school party especially now being he is twenty-two years old and loved poising his body with alcohol. He never smoked weed mainly because no one ever had it. That he knew of. You just don't go asking around who has the weed. 

Louis' buddy and roommate, Niall, dragged him out of the house for this party. It was the beginning of spring break and they had nothing exciting planned for it. They're not in school to plan anything, really. They just work to pay the bills and buy alcohol. 

Louis wasn't shy but he didn't really like people either. No one had to talk to him and he would be happy. If someone started the conversation first then that is also okay. Niall was the type to be all out there. His and girlfriend, Tori and him like to get wild sexually and have threesomes with different women. If your relationship is strong enough to handle that, then fuck yeah, good for you. 

"Niall, don't you have work in the morning?" Louis called from the bathroom, blow dryer on and raking a comb through his hair. He's going to need a haircut soon. 

"Uh, yeah. Gotta be at the store at 7 in the morning to open." Niall came walking past the bathroom with the door open, pulling up his black joggers. 

"And you plan on getting shit faced?" Louis asked, making sure he understood. 

"Nah, my buddy Zayn is bringing some gas. I'm gonna smoke some pot with him. That way I will sleep like a baby wherever I fall asleep."

Louis rolled his eyes. He clicked the blow dryer off and set in on the counter where a couple of his hairs fell loosely on the surface. Louis slathered some deodorant on his armpits and left the bathroom. 

This was Louis' first party ever. And his first high school party. He never started drinking until the night he graduated high school. Niall convinced him a few weeks prior into getting a fake ID so they could get into some bars in town. It actually worked. Louis merely regretted it the next morning. After that, however, he lived for that buzz. 

Louis decided he would partake in the Devil's lettuce tonight just to switch things up.

He's tired of puking his guts out. 

On the counter of the kitchen was Louis' cat he rescued a couple months ago off the side of the road. Her back legs are white like she is wearing white boots and her front paws are white like she is wearing gloves. He decided to call her Miss Priss. She's maybe six months old and absolutely spoiled. She meowed and Louis ran his fingers through her fur, making her purr. He opened the cabinets below the sink and retrieved her treats. 

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