6. late night conversations

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...."Hello?" He said.

"Harry, it's Louis. Could you come pick me up?"

The other line was silent and Louis was afraid Harry might've hung up simply because he didn't feel like dealing with Louis. If that's the case, he would need to try and find someone else to give him a ride or spend some money to order an Uber or some shit. 

"Hello?" Louis asked, moving the phone away from his face to examine the screen. Sure enough, he was still on the call with Harry.

"Sorry, I was finishing up a load of laundry," There was a lot of excess noise in the background, causing Louis to roll his eyes. "What if I were to tell you that I wasn't able to come pick you up ASAP because I'm back in Gulfport and it would take me an hour to get to Picayune going the speed limit?"

"First of all, I am in Slidell. I went to the movies with Zayn but some bullshit came up so he had to go and Niall was suppose to be here to pick me up if I needed it but he's going straight to fucking god damn voice mail and second of all, I guess never fucking mind. Thanks anyway, I'll have to order an Uber." 

Louis moved the phone away from his face again and went to hit the red circle on the screen to end the call when he could hear Harry shouting 'wait!' while laughing his ass off. With a huff of annoyance, Louis held the phone back against his face, watching as couples came in to the movie theater to catch the next showing.

"This isn't a time to be funny, Harry. I would love to get home."

"Lucky for you, I am still in Picayune. So I can head over there soon. You at the Grand?"

Thank fuck for Harry then, Louis thought. He wasn't sure if he should be hanging out him this much but what harm will the lad do? 

"Yeah, I think so." Louis replied, running his fingers through his hair that the wind was brutally messing up. 

"Are you sure?"

After rolling his eyes, Louis walked out near the parking lot and looked up at the sign that said 'The Grand' on it. 


"Okay, I will be there in about. . . thirty minutes."

"Bet, just hurry up. I hate being in Slidell this late."

With that, Louis hung up the phone and sighed dramatically, taking a seat on a red bench that was installed outside the entrance. Tonight was extremely strange when Louis really thought back on it. Actually, this whole day has been weird as fuck. From Harry seeing Louis' ass to Harry cooking him breakfast under his roof, to Niall because Niall is strange himself. Then, at the movies when Zayn started feeling up Louis and giving him a hand job and stumbling into the men's bathroom and... yeah that fucking happened.

And Louis is having a hard time wrapping his head around it.

Why the fuck did he agree to do that with Zayn in the first place? Not that Louis doesn't find him attractive because let's face the stone cold reality, Zayn Malik is fucking hot and is someone to drool over. No, because Zayn is with Liam and they are having problems. Louis doesn't like helping cheat yet he just fucking did. 

His head dropped into his hands with elbows on his knees. Louis let out a deep breath. He is a horrible friend. How fucking dare he? And can we talk about Harry, that annoying fuck? He is so fucking happy all the time and finds everything humorous. Like, who on earth is actually like that? Does he not have demons flying around his head and heart at all times? Is Louis' soul the only was which is pure darkness? 

When your mistakes start to add up, you realize how shitty of a person you are.


Harry finally pulled up to the entrance and honked the horn. He captured Louis' attention on the red bench he made himself comfortable at. There was a small smile on Louis' lips when he knocked the horn but once Louis stood up, it slowly disappeared. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2020 ⏰

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