𝒔𝒌𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 - 𝒕. 𝒌𝒆𝒊.

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first imagine !! request for my love deathdo-uspart enjoy <3

tsukishima kei x fem!readerin which, tsukishima and his girlfriend decide to go ice skating, not knowing that y/n can't skate to save her life

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tsukishima kei x fem!reader
in which, tsukishima and his girlfriend decide to go ice skating, not knowing that y/n can't skate to save her life.
warnings: fluff

it was a cold day out today, days y/n normally didn't enjoy. she liked being able to go outside and enjoy the warm air, with a slight breeze brushing by, cooling her off. but winter had fallen upon them, and everything was icy cold. y/n had been inside all day and wanted to go out, but didn't want to freeze her ass off either.

after sulking in her room while staring out her window for quite a while, she heard a knock at her front door. dragging herself out of bed, she opened the door to reveal her boyfriend tsukishima, standing with his hands stuffed in his pockets.

"hey y/n." tsukki smiled down at the girl he called his girlfriend.

"hey tsukki.. what are you doing here? come inside it's cold out." she said, grabbing his arm leading him inside her house.

the tall teen was only wearing a sweater even though it was freezing outside, with light snow falling from the sky. he felt cold to the touch, but seemed to be taking it just fine. he had been carrying a bag over his shoulder, y/n having no clue what sat inside it.

without answering her question, tsukishima sat on her living room couch and unzipped the mystery bag he had been carrying. he pulled out two pairs of ice skates, one significantly bigger than the other.

"what.." y/n started before she was interrupted.

"wanna go skating?" he asked her gently, looking up at her from his spot on the couch.

"tsukki, you know i don't know how to skate." she sighed, moving to sit next to her boyfriend.

"it's fine, i can teach you." he said nonchalantly.

she thought about it for a minute. she was bored, and it would be fun to get out and spend some time with her boyfriend for a bit.

"let me get my coat." she smiled before getting up to grab her things.


the pond was surprisingly not as busy as y/n thought it would be. it was a school night, so people were probably all doing school work at home. thank god, she wouldn't have to embarrass herself too much.

tsukishima guided her over to the benches to help put her skates on. she had only been skating once, so she had no clue what she was doing. the boy bend down to help her put on her skates and tie them up for her. she patiently waited for him to be finished with his before attempting to get up with him. she overestimated herself, as she stumbled on her feet, nearly falling face first into the snow. tsukki had caught her, thankfully, lightly chuckling at his flustered girlfriend.

"don't laugh at me!" she glared before grabbing his hand to help her onto the ice. "i've only done this once." she muttered before carefully placing her feet onto the frozen pond.

still holding both of her hands, tsukki started skating backwards lightly, attempting to guide y/n into the middle of the pond. after almost falling a few times, they had finally made it.

he quickly let go of her hands, causing her to stumble. "tsukki!" she groaned while trying to balance herself.

just as y/n caught her balance, the big mean dinosaur started skating backwards away from her. "where are you-" y/n attempted to grab his arm, but he just skated even further. "come get me, y/n." he smirked slightly, reaching his arms out towards the girl before quickly pulling them back.

"c'mon kei! i just wanna skate with you!" she pleaded. thinking quickly, she attempted skating at super speed towards him, but quickly failed and fell flat on her face.

tsukishima tried very hard not to laugh, but he couldn't help it, practically bursting into tears at his girlfriend's face. tsukishima hardly ever let out any emotions, but when he was around y/n he couldn't help it, she brought out the best in him.

y/n glared up at him, trying to get back onto her feet. tsukki noticed her expression and quickly helped her up, wrapping his lanky arms around her waist.

"i'm sorry, babe. i can still teach you if you want." he smiled down at the girl in his arms. she quickly shook her head, wanting to get out of the cold. "no, it's okay. let's just go back home and cuddle." she smiled up at him, her arms placed on his neck. his eyes widened quickly, then grabbed her hands helping her skate off the ice. y/n was the only person he showed his affection to, and if he was being honest, he liked it.


arriving back at y/n's house, the couple plopped themselves onto her bed, turning on the tv as y/n threw a blanket over them. tsukishima was laying on top of y/n, using her breasts as a pillow. it was a comfortable silence, y/n running her fingers through his hair as tsukki had his arms wrapped tightly around her thighs, tracing shapes every now and then.

"thank you." y/n said, breaking the silence. tsukki looked up at her, taking in her features. "for what?" he asked. "for being so good to me. i love you so much, words can't even describe it." she smiled, placing a light kiss on the top of his head. tsukishima didn't know what to say. he decided to put his words into actions instead. placing his hands beside her head, hovering above his girl, he leaned down and attached his lips to hers, their lips molding together perfectly. pulling away, he gave a loving kiss to her forehead. "i love you too, y/n."


author's note
i wanted to give tsukki
a bit of a soft imagine bc
i feel like he's secretly a
big teddy bear deep down.
hope u liked it :)

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