Paint It Black

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The next week was better. Again. Eliott spent a lot of time with his production crew. Lucas spent a lot of time with his crew.
They would meet up at night and an exhausted Eliott would crash beside him.
"Just one more night baby and then you and I are not leaving this bed unless it's to relieve ourselves or grab food."
Lucas smiled into his shoulder kissing his warm skin and breathing him in.
"I had plans to see Momma tonight but I can reschedule if you want me to come support you."
Eliott looked at him with his tired eyes.
"No don't miss a chance to see Momma. We can meet up afterwards and celebrate!"
They gazed at each other.
Eliott reaches out and caresses his face. His fingertips light and feathery.
His eyes so full of love for Lucas.
"Do you have any idea how long I waited to find you?"
Lucas inches forward and kisses him softly.
They fall asleep in each other's arms.

He's with his mother having a great time. Reminiscing about the good times and there were many.
When she taught him the piano and they'd laugh when he hit the wrong key.
When they'd go out for ice cream in the middle of the night.
When she built them a blanket fort in the living room.
She yawned.
It had been a long day for her.
Lucas puts down the book he'd been reading to her.
Moby Dick their favourite.
"You tired Momma?"
"A bit my beautiful boy."
He knows she needs her rest so he prepares to leave and tucks her in.
As he exits the building he decides to go watch Eliotts last night of filming.
They can start celebrating early he thinks happily.
He's about to text him when instead he decides to surprise him.
He stops at a nearby florist and buys him his favourite flowers, tiger lilies
A memory sweeps over him.
"Because they look like a sunset, Lucas. In flower form!"
He turns on his find your friend app and sees Eliotts location.
La petite Ceinture
Their place.
He's close by luckily and excitedly heads over.
As he walks he remembers they're first time there.
How nervous he was that someone like Eliott wanted to show him, just Lucas, this special place of his.
How Eliott had flirted then won his heart.
The moment their hands had clasped together. The bravery it had taken Lucas to even take that step. To lay his hands out like that in offering to him.
To risk the rejection.
He walks slowly down the path and can see the bright lights ahead.
Hear voices in the distance.
He smiles excited to see his love in action.
So proud of him.
The light gets brighter as he approaches and the sound of rain can be heard.
Ah yes the rain.
He hadn't noticed the rain at that time.
He was so consumed by the beautiful boy in front of him.
Dazzled by his eyes, his face, his mouth.
That mouth.
He'd never wanted anything more than to feel his lips against Eliotts.
He steps into the clearing and looks forward.
His mind flashing between the real moment and this fake one being made.
The hands clasping.
The brief uncertainty and then the moment.
Where they couldn't stay apart any longer and both rushed forward.
Lips coming together in a wave of unexpected love and desire.
He stopped advancing.
He watches as Eliott and Lola consume each other in the rain.
How Eliott cups her face in his hands as his lips swoop over hers again and again.
He watches frozen as Lola runs her fingers threw his hair...drawing him in closer.
Lucas feels the flowers slip from his fingers and fall to the ground.
He can't move.
He's frozen in place.

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