Wavy Seas.

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Eliott moved closer towards him trying to take his hand.
He refused it.
"Just speak Eliott." He tells him but there's a warning underneath his tone.
"I've been going out most nights to do my art and then I got interested in tagging. It's such a cool subculture and the people are all so different and colourful. Such characters! I just got sucked in by it all."
Lucas nods his head. He can tell by Eliotts expressions there is more going on.
"How long has this been going on?" He doesn't even recognize his own voice. It's so sullen and disinterested.
He listens as his  boyfriend goes on about the people and how he's almost become a semi celebrity in that circle.
His tag name is Otteli.
How original he thinks to himself.
"How long Eliott?"
Eliott looks down at his hands and plays with the pillowcase of his pillow.
"A few months."
"A few months?" Lucas is astounded. "And when were you planning on telling me?
Or weren't you at all?"
He can see Eliott getting visibly agitated.
"I would've eventually but you've been so preoccupied with school, the bac and your Mom. So stressed. I didn't want to add another worry to your list."
"Oh so it's my fault that you've lied to me again?"
His voice gets deeper. He's having trouble covering the seething anger that is pooling inside of him, like hot lava about to burst out.
"I didn't lie, Lucas. I just...I don't know...I just wanted some time to myself. I wanted something that was just mine. Without the added pressure of knowing you'd be worrying about me the whole time or getting mad and asking me to stop."
The look that Lucas gives him would drop a rhino in mid charge.
"Are you kidding me right now?"
Eliott looks at him stunned and a bit confused.
"When have I ever not supported your creativity? For fuck sakes Eli, I've always been your biggest fan! I'd never ask you to stop."
"I know. I know." His boyfriend backpedals.
"And yet you lied." Lucas puts to him "after all the shit we've been through! With you hiding your bipolar and your past with Idriss. I thought we were done with this shit" Lucas gets up from the bed and starts to dress.
"Really the bac? You know what Eliott...you seem to really like to remind me of how much of a suffocating bitch Lucille was to you, how she'd make decisions for you! How she'd baby you. And here you are treating me just like she did you."
Eliotts jaw dropped open as he watched his boyfriend pull on his track pants and his amour hoodie.
"Lucas please understand. I didn't mean to hurt you."
"You never do" he says without looking at him. He pulls on his shoes.
"Where are you going?" Eliott pleads with him. "We need to talk about this Lucas!"
Lucas smirks. It doesn't reach his eyes.
"Now you want to talk. Well guess what? You're not the only one that wants some alone time."
With that he leaves their apartment. He can hear Eliott calling after him.
He ignores him.

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