Bury My Love (Benlos & Malvie)

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(A/N: I wrote this while crying. I don't have the heart to reread and edit this so it may be trash.)

Carlos sat in the back of the church pews as the song 'here comes the bride' begins. His heart clenches and twists painfully in his chest as he glances to his left. A vision in white and lilac, Mal strolls down the aisle slowly in the most immaculate gown Evie has ever created. Her steps are slow and calculated but graceful. Every step Carlos's heart sinks lower and lower in his chest til it buries itself in his gut. His breathing is picking up as he looks over heads to the groom. Ben stands by the alter. As Fairy Godmother begins the ceremony properly Carlos fades away, beginning to hyperventilate. He's not here anymore.

His body sits shuddering from uneven breaths and tears as he feels thousands of miles away. Isolated and alone on the face of the moon. He feels like the man on the moon, alone and lonely as ever. It burns in his chest to breathe and it hurts to look ahead to the world that abandoned him. His entire world and happiness is a vision somewhere far in Infront of him but permanently out of reach. He is too lost to notice Evie shares his pain.

Standing mere feet away from the bride and groom, Evie's tears betray her but thankfully are hidden behind a veil of happiness. Her heart is slowly breaking but this isn't about her, this is about giving the person who means the most to her, the world. To give her everything she wants and loves. She is trembling but she wills herself to calm down. A calm that stings at her lungs, reminding her to breathe. It comes out as gasped and ragged but no one is questioning someone being emotional at a wedding.

As the vows begin Carlos snaps back to the world, still breathing uneven and unnaturally. Ben begins with heartfelt words that serve to severe the pounding heart in his chest. He can't do this. He can't be here. He needs to leave. Carlos doesn't even register what he is doing. He gets up and nearly topples over, drawing attention from the people around him as he stumbles to leave. Ben is halfway through his well thought out and meaningful vows when Carlos trips into the aisle over someone's feet. Suddenly everything stops and his heart feels like it is exploding in his chest as he breaks down on the floor. Everyone, Ben and Mal included, are now stopped staring at the mess of a De Vil.

Sensing the chaos beginning Evie quickly breaks from her spot near Mal, concern rising in her chest. She knew he wasn't going to make it through this. She walked over to Carlos and struggled to pull him up to his feet. Everything in Carlos had given over to the swallowing tides of internal darkness he was feeling. Immediately the wedding was put on pause as Ben and Mal began down the aisle towards the commotion. Evie turned on the couple, fighting her own breakdown now.

"Stop. Don't." Evie threatened making them both stop and share a look of concern. She gathered her remaining strength and picked Carlos up carrying him out of the chapel, outside. Waiting outside the media immediately started taking pictures, Carlos was still a mess and it wasn't getting any better. Being stronger than she felt, Evie helped her friend around to the side away from the flashing lights and press. They made it to the garden adjacent to the church and set down on a stone bench. "Carlos... I know it hurts but you need to breathe. You're going to pass out like this. Come on. In. Out. Count with me 'Los." She was calming herself just as much as she was calming him. With some effort, the two managed to calm down to a tearful silence.

"I couldn't do it. I can't watch them. I want him to be happy. He means the world to me but it still just hurts so much, E." Carlos sobbed rubbing his red and teary eyes. Before Evie could offer that she knew how he felt. Letting Mal walk down that aisle hurt her just as much, a voice came from behind them.

"Carlos? Evie? Is everything alright?" It was from Ben. Mal stood just behind him. Carlos shook his head looking at Evie pleadingly for her to say something, but the words died in her mouth. She was sick of being strong. She was sick of everything, the pain, the loneliness, the sorrow. She shook her head as well and let out a sob.

"No... but you need to leave." Her voice came out wobbly and Carlos joined hands with her as they both sobbed together, sharing a feeling the rest of the world wouldn't understand.

"I'm not going anywhere until you tell us what is wrong," Ben said firmly with concern.

"Come on E, what's wrong?" Mal said coming to stand in front of them. Finally, Carlos couldn't hold it anymore.

"We can't handle this Mal. It hurts too much to watch. Please don't let us ruin your day. Go be happy please." Carlos's voice cracks and Ben comes over too now.

"Why does it hurt to watch? I don't understand." Ben looks down at Carlos. He looks up at Ben through teary eyes. He smiles so sadly that it breaks Ben's heart to look at it.

"Because it hurts to watch the one you love marry someone else Ben," Carlos admits with a bitter sadness that shakes both Mal and Ben. Ben's eyes are wide with surprise and Mal looks guilt-ridden.

"Carlos?" Ben's voice cracks. "You love me?" Ben asks shakily as he kneels down in front of him. Carlos nods weakly and then looks at Evie expectantly. Mal starts choking out tears.

"Oh god, Evie." Mal cries pulling Evie into a hug. She doesn't hug back at first but reluctantly hugs her careful not to ruin her hair, makeup, or dress. Ben reaches out and grabs Carlos's hands squeezing them with trembling nerves. "Ben... I don't know if I can do this... I can't watch. Please just go. Be happy. I can bury my love for you in time. Please." He begs despite the tears that tell a different story.

"I love you too Carlos," Ben admits pulling his hands to his lips kissing his knuckles. Mal buries her face against Evie holding her.

"I love you too Evie," Mal says sweetly rubbing the girl's back. Carlos stares at Ben surprised, his body trembling worse now than before. Ben stands and pulls Carlos into his arms nuzzling his face into his neck as Mal slips her engagement ring off. Mal and Ben share a look and nod. She hands him back the engagement ring.

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