Sweet Lips (Barry)

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Sugar. Ben was spooning sugar into his teacup with his mother while Harry watched, avoiding his cup of tea. He didn't care for tea like Ben and Belle, but he agreed to meet Belle for Tea. They talked about unimportant things, mostly just getting to know each other, but Harry could only focus on the crumbles of sugar left on his boyfriend's lips after a bite of a sweet treat. He tried to ignore it. He really did, hoping his sips of tea would wash away that sparkling crystal sugar from his perfectly plump pout. Harry felt almost dizzy with desire and before he could control himself, he interrupted Ben talking to lean over and kiss him, using his tongue to lick the sugar off his lip. Ben and Belle both blushed for different reasons. Ben seemed stunned by the surprise kiss while Belle seemed flustered by the sudden affection. Harry immediately apologized before getting up and going to the bathroom to breathe. His chest felt tight and so unlike him.

Honey. Ben and Harry had snuck down in the middle of the night to get snacks as they were both hungry but not exactly tired. Ben went about making some tea for himself as well as grabbing some left-over beignets that Tiana had brought over when she had visited earlier that day. Ben drizzled honey on his beignet along with powdered sugar and took a big bite. Harry was transfixed by the glistening liquid amber coating Ben's upper lip. Harry bit his own lip staring at his boyfriend in complete fixation. Why did his lips always draw him in so. Why did Ben have to be such a messy eater. Ben didn't seem to notice as he took another bite of his beignet, waiting for his water to be done so he could make a cup of tea. Harry stalked over to his boyfriend, ignoring his hunger for snacks in favor for his hunger for Ben. Ben seemed to notice at the last second before Harry grabbed his face and pulled him into a kiss, licking his lips clean of the honey and moaning as he bit and tugged on his boyfriend's bottom lip. He pulled away smirking at how flustered Ben had gotten. He always seemed to have that effect.

Maple Syrup. Harry had spent the night again and was now being served breakfast with the rest of the royal family. While technically Ben was king now, it was hard to see him as more than just a prince when his father was present. He was simply too new to the role for it to fully suit him yet. Harry was on his best behavior, making small talk and doing his best to be well mannered. However that got difficult when Ben started eating his pancakes. The way his mouth wrapped around the bites of pancake slathered in maple syrup. The way he sucked on the fork to clean it of excess syrup seeming to relish the flavor and taste. Harry was completely transfixed on his lover's mouth. He completely missed what Belle had said and now they were all staring at Harry waiting for him to respond. He cleared his throat and excused himself quickly to the bathroom to avoid reaching over and wiping syrup off Ben's lips and sucking it off his own finger. He stood in the bathroom washing his face desperately trying to get the image of Ben sucking his fork clean out of his head.

Chocolate Syrup. Ben and Harry were having a date night. They had finished dinner and were moving onto dessert. They agreed upon sharing a chocolate sundae. The sundae was practically drowning in chocolate syrup. So when Ben's messy eating habits kicked in, his lips had brown streaks across them. The worse had to be the way he moaned at the flavor of the ice cream as he sucked it off his spoon. Harry just stared, completely ignoring the fact that they were in public. He bit his lip and watched as ice cream disappeared behind Ben's perfect soft lips and left a trail of chocolate across his bottom lip as he moaned softly in approval. Harry felt like he was dying. Unable to resist the urge he reached over and wiped the chocolate off his boyfriend's bottom lip with his thumb before bringing it to his lips to suck on. Ben's face burned bright red at the affection.

Marshmallow. Harry was beside himself right now with how gorgeous his boyfriend looked. Swaddled in a fleece blanket with him and roasting marshmallows with their friends. The colors and lights from Mal's magicked flames danced across Ben's handsome face making Harry feel fuzzy inside. Ben had a knack for making the marshmallows perfectly so he let his boyfriend toast theirs for him. They shared marshmallows back and forth until a particularly melty one left a trail of white on Ben's pouted bottom lip. Harry stared as Ben ignored it, as if he didn't notice the slightly inappropriate looking white marshmallows across his bottom lip. Harry grabbed his face and pulled him into a deep kiss, ignoring the murmurs of their friends. When he pulls away the white streak is gone and his lips glisten slightly with Harry's saliva from where he licked the marshmallow off. Ben swore as he pulled back his stick which now had a thoroughly charred marshmallow on the end of it. He cast a playful glare at Harry who pretended to look innocent.

Harry. Ben sat again with the sour sugar from his sour gummy worms on his lips. They were watching a movie, supposed to be at least. However, Harry sound himself transfixed with Ben's mouth for the thousandth time. This time Ben looked over and caught him staring. Harry's cheeks dusted lightly with a faint blush as he smirked. Ben smiled at him and leaned in kissing him sweetly. "Why do you always stare at my lips?" Ben asked innocently. Harry hadn't realized Ben was aware of his fixation.

"Why are you such a messy eater duckling?" Harry asks in return making the king chuckle and shrug smiling.

"Does it bother you?" Ben asks raising a playful eyebrow at his boyfriend. Harry nods a bit smirking much more devilishly handsome. "Why?" Ben asks now genuinely curious.

"Because, duckling, I'm the only thing that belongs on those pretty lips." Harry grins at the blush on his face before pulling his boyfriend into a deep kiss, the movie now forgotten as they were more focused on one another, kissing with tongue and relishing in one another.

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