Would You Be So Kind (Benlos)

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Things had been tense for King Ben since he and Mal broke up after the isle disaster. His relations with the VK's felt strained more and more by the day. He rarely saw Evie and Mal outside of Class. He never saw Jay anymore since they didn't have tourney together anymore. As for Carlos, he was the only VK the King could manage to see regularly. Though things with the other three VK's had grown strained, Carlos was the only one who didn't seem to grow anymore distant. If anything it only made the two grow closer together since they had plenty of time left to hang out. It was becoming common to see the two hanging out with dude after school and between meetings.

King Ben walked up to his locker, as usual, dialing in the combination, and opening it up. Before he could put his books inside a slip of paper fell out of the locker. Setting his books down he bends down and picked it up. The paper was cleanly folded with thought and care, His name carefully written on the front with a small red heart. Ben opened the folded note and stared down at the letter before realizing it was a poem of sorts. "I have a question, It might seem strange, how are your lungs? Are they in pain? 'Cause mine are aching think I know why. I kinda like it though, you wanna try? Oh would you be so kind as to fall in love with me, you see I'm trying. I know you know that I like you but that's not enough, so if you will please fall in love. I think it's only fair. There's gotta be some butterflies somewhere, wanna share? Yours Forever, Your Secret Admirer." Ben felt shocked, he knew he was quite popular but there was something familiar about the handwriting. The red ink used to pen the lines made him smile. This person was bold but still shy enough not to approach. Looking around, suddenly feeling watched he found no one. The bell rang for class and he shoved the note in his pocked running off to class quickly.

He had no idea who it could be. Looking around there were several girls with red pens in class all of a sudden. He doesn't remember them all using red pens this much, did he ever notice before? The only one that stood out was Carlos who sat a row over. He looked deep in thought as he carefully wrote down notes. Ben smiled at how focused he looked before scanning the room one more time trying to peek at everyone's handwriting. He felt hyper-aware of the way they looped their 'e's and 's's. How they shaped their 'a's and 't's. How was he supposed to fall in love if he didn't know who the person was? He could already feel the sweet gesture of the poem tug at his heartstrings, he just wishes he knew who had sent it.

Class ended and when he returned to his locker there was another note waiting for him. This one simply having a red heart on the front. The excitement made his heart leap and skip a beat. He set his books down and opened it up eager to read more. " Let's write a story. Be in my book. You've got to join me on my page. At least take a look. Oh, where are your manners? You need some time? Let's swap chests today, That might help you decide. Oh would you be so kind as to fall in love with me, you see I'm trying. I know you know that I like you but that's not enough, So if you will please fall in love with me. Love Your Secret Admirer" Ben smiled down at the paper tracing the letters with his fingertips. This person certainly had a unique way of writing. He never expected himself to actually fall for this person but he could feel his heart rate rise a little with excitement. He sighed heavily and turned to see Mal stuff her locker with her books. The thought popped into his head almost instantly. He wasn't sure how Mal would feel about this but he had to try.

"Mal!" Ben called getting the girl's attention. She raised an eyebrow at him curiously and he walked over the note in hand. She zeroed in on the note before a huge grin grew on her face. That's odd. Why was Mal suddenly smiling? "Hey... I know this is totally awkward but I've been getting these secret notes from an admirer..." Ben started.

"So you want me to help you find out who its from?" Mal finished and Ben nodded. She grew a wicked smirk across her face closing her locker and turning to him. "Sorry can't help you. Besides, I already know who it is." She winked and started to walk away.

"Mal! Come on. At least give me a hint." Ben whined and Mal burst out laughing.

"You shouldn't need my help to know who it's from Ben. I'm not going to ruin this. Either you figure it out yourself... or suffer. Not my problem." She grinned. "Bye Benny-boo." Mal intentionally used that nickname to irritate him. Ben groaned and slumped against the lockers in frustration. How was he supposed to know who sent this to him? Striking out with one VK, He decided to try Evie next. Heading to the chemistry lab he motioned at Evie to come over. She set what she was working on aside, pulled her goggles off, and came over.

"Hi Ben." Evie smiled bubbly as always. Ben smiled back nervously before producing the note. Immediately Evie got the same smile as Mal did earlier. "Oh! You're here about the note. Mal texted me about it. Sorry Ben but I can't help you. Have you even tried figuring it out yourself?" Evie questioned making him feel guilty.

"Not really... no." Ben admitted guiltily making Evie give him a sympathetic look before returning to her chemistry work. Ben decided to head outside and think about it. He knew he had seen that handwriting before but where? He was walking along the school lawn when he spotted Carlos on a bench under a tree, legs folded taking notes as he reads his textbook. Ben strolled over and sat down beside Carlos sighing heavily, drawing Carlos's attention.

"Everything okay?" Carlos asked closing his textbook. Ben looked over at the boy and forced a smile.

"I'm fine I just have been getting these notes from a secret admirer and I'm apparently clueless as to who it's from." Ben sighed softly this time not wanting to worry his friend. Carlos's smile faltered slightly.

"Oh... well, I'm sure you'll figure it out... Is there anyone you want it to be?" Carlos askes curiously and Ben bit his lip. He wasn't about to tell Carlos he wanted it to be him, he didn't want to ruin their friendship like that. Before Ben could answer Dude grabbed ahold of Carlos's notebook pulling it from his lap sending pages flying. Ben quickly snagged them up without thinking at first. As he was going to hand them back he looked at the handwriting and paused before growing the biggest grin.

"I think I just figured it out," Ben said excitement in his voice looking at Carlos with a soft loving expression. Carlos blushed and shifted taking his notes back.

"D-did you?" Carlos stuttered nervously before Ben cupped Carlos's cheek pulling him into a kiss.

"Found you. To answer your question. I already fell in love with you Carlos." Ben and Carlos beamed at each other before leaning in for more sweet kisses.

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