Chapter 1

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It was a pleasant day; the weather was so welcoming

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It was a pleasant day; the weather was so welcoming. I love to roam around on such and that became the reason why I came here? My hometown is a beautiful place. It is surrounded by forest and beautiful sceneries which take our breadth away but, on that journey, I met with more beautiful artistic pictures.

I was peacefully talking trolls on road after having a fight with my grandfather. From my childhood I never met my parents, I don't even know whether they are alive or not. In fact, I don't even know if I'm his true granddaughter or not. Its common that I always fight with him but that time we fought intense. I hurt his feelings and him mine.

Always somewhere in my mind these questions used to always pertain. Who am I? Where I was born? Where are my parents? Are they yet alive? I was so obsessed to find the answer because I have an aberration characteristic, different something unique. Whereas as far as I had known my grandfather was quite normal.

As I was busy thinking I heard sounds. You know they say curiosity kills the cat that what had happened. When I looked up, I saw an unbelieving thing. People were fighting but the interesting thing was they were fighting in air. Its hard to believe right. I felt the same. One was jumping around trees and my god another one was creating an ice blizzard!! Wait isn't it like mine. I mean......!!!! There are people like me!!!!! I couldn't believe my two eyes.

As I was busy thinking I felt an attack coming towards me. Out of reflex I made a shield of ice, a way I usually use to protect myself when met with an accident. You know it is quite useful, this characteristic of mine. But that day I learned a new use of it. I learned that this power can be a strong attack and defensive together.

As I was thinking a voice came near "what's your name?" as I turned back and saw him, I felt a blush on my face.

He is handsome that was the first thought that occurred to me when I saw him. His voice was sweet as honey. His eyes were mysterious. They were very attractive and different from most of the eyes. Honey colored, I felt drowning in them. His black hair with a bit of perms was also attractive. His sharp jaw line, his face everything about him from top to bottom was eye catching.He is tall at least 184 cm, i am happy for that as my height is more than a average height of a girl. His pale skin is a contrast to my olive skin but that makes a beautiful picture when we are put together.  People call such a man as a dangerous man who attracts people around him with one glance. 

And such faces are not quite visible in my town. So..!! At one glance I understood that I had been captivated by him. Even though he was a stranger I wanted to know more about him, create a bond and start a new chapter in my life. Hey!! Common who loses such a face.

"My name is Willow". A bit of shyness has been mixed in my voice unknowingly.

"Where do you live?" he asked without giving a second to think.

"I stay here nearby" I said wanting a conversation with him.

I was curious so I didn't hesitate to ask "What was that? How is that possible?". His answer melted my heart.

"I can't answer now willow, maybe when time comes, I'll share with you, but I didn't want to lie to you, so I said the truth". That was the most pleasing words ever a girl wants to here.

"Willow! I am so thirsty? Will you provide some water at your home?" I didn't think twice before escorting him to my home. Thank god my grandfather was not there. I was not ready to face his questions. A conversation started among us it started from simple questions about my family and it went till the secret which he was reluctant to answer.

"Fine I will tell. It's a power "Exousia". It might be unbelievable but it's true. There are many people in the world like us. Mine as you saw I was able float in air, I can make it possible with the help of "Ptisi Exousia". It means 'flight' as the name suggests by controlling the flow of air, I was able to float. I can make other things float. The same goes with your power, I think it is "Pagos Exousia". This is only my speculation based on your reflex, this power means ice. Now what I want to tell is much serious matter willow. You are young and inexperienced about how to use your Exousia. It's not safe for you or your family for you to stay in contact with world without being able to control your power. For people like you there are academies where such people are brought together and taught. It's our duty to make sure people like you who are not aware of these powers to send them to the academy. So, willow I will give you time till morning, we will start our journey at dawn and I want you to join us. Tell your grandfather and pack your bags. It's not a choice you must come. I'll be waiting for you."

My first thought was "Exousia!! Wohhh..what a cool name. But 'Pagos'". I know normal people will think about what he spoke but I'm different. Because the moment I understood the fact I accepted that I must leave.

The thought that people like me are there made me happy. When I first discovered, I thought my grandfather will hate me, avoid me so I never told him and never will also. Early hours I'll pack my bag write a letter for him and leave. I know if I say him, he will never believe me nor he will believe a stranger. Even I find myself laughable, believing a stranger having a crush on him and the fact that I don't even know his name. But I want to get out from here and he is my key. I know his power is no less and there are a group of them but in case I know how to escape. And that is a secret to reveal in future.

Early hours sun was about to rise, and I sneaked out of my house and left for a new journey. "Wow!!what a beautiful picture... the sunrise behind a hill and on that a handsome prince waiting for me his princess with his knights." It was a nice picture which every girl dreamt about. Heh..heh.. mine came true. I know from here; whole journey of my life is perplexed but that is what makes it interesting.   

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