Chapter 2

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31st December 2017 early hours was when my journey to a new place started. "I think it is 8:00 A.M, by now grandpa should have woken and seen my letter..Ah.. I hope he gets out of shock soon and that he won't search for me." I thought but said it aloud by mistake.

"Wait you didn't tell your grandfather." 

Asked an Asian that too a handsome one. GOD!! Why men outside my town all are handsome, hey but the whom approached me is my one and only ha.Even he is tall around 181 cm, long legs, white skin tone, blonde hair and above all he is pretty and handsome.

"Willow, Yeah I didn't directly him. Even if I told do you think he'll believe that too strangers' words!! Never." I replied to him.

"Min Ho Lee, even though don't you think he'll freak out if he finds that his granddaughter is missing or he may even think that you have eloped."

 Is he stupid? that is what I prayed for; he should recover fast.

"He is not that stupid, he knows there are no one good enough for me to elope with them in our town."

"But didn't you elope with us. By the way I'm Zyan." 

OMG!! Here is another Asian Hotty. What a humor. Very Funny. But man both deserve my attention.

This Asian is a hotty but same height as me around 174 cm but a brawny man. He is not pretty or handsome but sturdy and tough looking. His skin tone is not pale or dark or olive, something near to ivory skin tone. The most eye catching were his eyes, they were of different color like blue or near to lavender. 

"Enough of your chat move fast we have to catch the train, good name is Nael." 

Here comes my prince, no matter how many times I hear his voice it always beats my heart fast enough. He is the best of all. And so, we four left to catch a train who knows where it goes.

We board the train and I came to knew that it is long journey of 16 hours but enough to know about my prince. 16 hours was a small time was my thought. Even before I was able to speak few words we got down in the station. From there we took a flight another 16 hrs journey and then once again we took a train. After a long, irritating journey we got down in station where not even a soul was visible.

Then it was my turn for surprise. Till then I thought my hometown was a countryside but this town is far worse than that. 

"Willow wait here for some time Zyan will give company."

"Yeah sure no problem."

"Zyan, are you sure that people live here?" 

Now I'm scared like this place is too deserted. From there words I thought it is going to be similar to 'Hogwarts', the famous. In real life it may be difficult to find such schools, hey but who knows people like me do exist then obviously place like that also exist.

"I don't think so, very less stay here. It has a famous name 'Ghost Town'. People go in but doesn't come out. Those who came out are different from those who went in."

"This isn't funny you guys told there are many like me and what do you mean by those who go in doesn't come out. What about me."

"What I said is true. Once you step inside unless you graduate or a miracle happens you won't come out. Ha..ha.. you will understand when Nael comes."

"Hey Zyan from when do you know Nael. I mean are you both childhood friends."

"No, I met him very recently. We actually need to be in teams. In a recent mission our group member had passed away, Nael came as replacement."

"Are you guys some secret agents. Missions.., Members. What are you saying."

"Similar to it, each team should have four members. Nael joined recently this is his first mission and we had a temporary replacement before meeting you but he left after receiving the news that he is needed. Rest, time will give you answer babe. I Know Min Ho for many years if you want him I can help but Nael even I can't help."

"Hey, who is asking for your help. Hmm.. so you don't know nothing about him like where he is from? What is his birth date? What are his interests? Where he stays? Nothing."

"As I said, no I don't know. Where he stays? Well it changes frequently depending on our mission. Even if you think do you think you meet him. This is the last we meet you Willow after this night we won't again meet most probably. Even if by chance we meet, it means you are in a dire situation and need help or our world is collapsing. Both are not affable for us."

"So, this is our last meeting. Hm.."

"What are you guys talking about?"

"Hey Bro, nothing telling facts."

"Willow, we need to spend a night here. Morning 6 a boat comes and you will leave in that. We will separate our paths here. I thought boats will still be there but unfortunately they are not." My prince is this going to be our last meet. No, I believe we'll meet again. You know there is a famous saying opposite attract each other. You'll definitely come searching for me.


"Well, the place which I told is actually an island. To go there we can only go through boat which are available only from this place. For security reasons apart from you no one can come with you."

"So, there is island near here, there people like me stay. Ok what about you guys you are also like me? Why are you not allowed?"

"You'll understand Willow once time comes. We found a place to sleep this night so follow."

The whole night I spend thinking I couldn't do anything and like that night passed away. Early hours for me 6 is early. We went on our foot to port..? maybe it was similar to it and then a boat came which I needed to get on and move on. We gave our final greetings and I went on the boat and left.

This was the start of a big journey in my life. A journey to new things, friends . I saw a lot of unbelievable pictures or scenarios which generally happen in our imagination. And was also a start for my fall or success. Don't know yet but for a success I need to live first. I want to live at least for Nael and Jimin.    

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