Potter & Malfoy

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"Nice one Potter!"

A Gryffindor first year was hanging from his foot six feet above the ground. A boy with dark brown hair and wonky glasses was standing next to a, slightly shorter, boy with a head full of white hair which shone in the noontime sun. The dark haired boy, Harry, was pointing his wand at the first year and laughing. The blond boy, Malfoy, walked over and patted Harry on the shoulder.

"Let's get back to the common room before McGonagall catches us!" Malfoy said.

"Fifty points from Slytherin! From each of you!" Harry joked, in the best imitation of the Professor as he could.


"So it's true" he said. "Harry Potter's come to Hogwarts. This is Crabbe and this is Goyle. And I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy."

Ron gave a slight snigger, which he, unsuccessfully, tried to hide as a cough. Malfoy looked at him.

"Think my name's funny, do you? No need to ask who you are. Red hair, hand-me-down cloak. You must be a Weasley!"

He turned back to Harry.

"You'll soon find out some wizarding families are much better than others, Potter. You don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort. I can help you there."

He held out his hand to shake Harry's. Harry looked back at Ron who was vigorously shaking his head. He shook it. He was the boy who lived anyway. He couldn't be seen going round with some petty, second class boy tagging along at his side. He stepped up to Malfoy's level and smiled. Genuinely smiled.

Professor McGonagall returned to take them into the great hall to be sorted into houses. It was all done rather quickly. The bushy haired clever one went first. She got put in Gryffindor. Harry could hear Malfoy sniggering behind him.

"Okay so not to go to Gryffindor then." Harry thought.

Another girl was called up and she was sorted into Hufflepuff. Harry heard Malfoy whispering something to Crabbe and Goyle, causing them both to laugh and McGonagall to shoot them both disapproving looks.

"Not Hufflepuff either then" Harry muttered to himself. He was running out of choices. He hoped Malfoy would go before him so he could just follow in his footsteps.

Malfoy was called and before the sorting hat even touched his head, it was screaming SLYTHERIN. That was where Harry had to go. He was called up next. He tried to stifle his nerves and walk casually up the stairs, in front of the entire school, as Malfoy had.

"I see bravery in your head. A good brain too. You would do well in Slytherin. You could do great things you know," the sorting hat said in its persuasive but smooth voice. "You are destined for this path. So, I do believe, you are a true SLYTHERIN!"

The Slytherin house cheered as Harry sat down at the table, opposite Malfoy.

"Nice one, Potter. You and I are going to be great some day," Malfoy said with a mischievous grin.

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