Christmas at Malfoy manor

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"Wake up, Potter!"

Draco Malfoy was standing next to the spare bed in Malfoy Manor in which his new friend, Harry Potter, was beginning to open his eyes.

"Come on, Potter! Mum and Dad are waiting downstairs! Come on! It's CHRISTMAS! The tree looks Amazing! Let's go open our presents!"

"I've... I've got presents? But I've NEVER had presents."

"Oh stop feeling sorry for yourself, Potter! We get it! You're the boy who lived and got stuck with some aunt of yours and they treated you like crap but you're here now. Come on! Let's go downstairs!"

The two boys, still dressed in their pyjamas, thundered down the grand staircase. They hurried into the main living room, which contained the 10ft christmas tree and, what looked like at least, 4 dozen presents, each wrapped neatly with green and silver paper.

"Oh wow!" Harry gasped as he craned his neck to see the top of the tree, on which stood and delicately made star, made of, what looked like, pure gold.

"Told you it was good, didn't I?"

"It really is wicked," agreed Harry. Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy were sitting next to each other in their matching green silk dressing gowns on the large, also green, sofa. They were holding steaming mugs of, what smelled like, pumpkin juice.

"Ah, boys. We've been waiting for you! Would you like a warm pumpkin juice?" Questioned Lucius Malfoy.

"Warm pumpkin juice? Yuk! DOBBY!" Draco called towards a small door in the corner of the room. A strange creature appeared wearing only a grubby pillow case. He had an abnormally long nose with both extremely large eyes and ears and must have only been 3ft tall. "DOBBY! GET ME AND HARRY HERE A HOT CHOCOLATE EACH! WITH EXTRA MARSHMALLOWS!" He turned to Harry. "Do you want cream?" Harry nodded. "AND CREAM!" Malfoy shouted at the poor creature, Dobby. Dobby quickly nodded and mumbled something under his breath before running off, back through the little door from which he had entered.

"What was that?" Harry asked, still staring at the little door.

"That, my friend, was a house elf! Have you really never seen one before?" Draco talked about the house elf like it wasn't out of the ordinary at all. He draped himself over the closest of the three sofas while Harry watched him, shaking his head.

"Well of course he hasn't, Draco! He was brought up in a small, muggle house!" Lucius threw as much spite as he could into saying the word 'muggle'. Turning his soul penetrating stare towards Harry he said, "did they treat you well in this so called house?"


"He said that he'd never had a present before... Not EVER!" Draco cut in as Harry opened his mouth. "They shut him up in a tiny cupboard under the stairs and starved him! He should come to live with us! That would be great wouldn't it Harry?"


This time it was Lucius who cut Harry off. "Now now, Draco. We can't just take in your friends and look after them, even if they are the boy who lived. We would have to get both the muggle relative's and Dumbledore's permission and, judging by the way you've said he's been treated, they would not let young Harry here come stay with a wizarding family," Lucius gaze settled upon Harry. "Draco mentioned to me that they moved specifically to stop you getting the letter and coming to Hogwarts. Is that true?"

Harry spoke quickly so no one could cut him off again, "yes, we did move. To a rocky island out at sea with one tiny house that felt like it would fall down like a card tower every time the wind blew. It was horrible. This was all on my 11th birthday you see, and no one was going to wish me a happy birthday, as per usual, until this giant came, knocking the door down and giving me a birthday cake along with my letter to Hogwarts! After he lit a fire and gave my cousin, Dudley, a pig tail, all with his magic umbrella, he took me on his flying motorbike to London! We went to diagonal alley and got everything I needed for school. Of course you're probably thinking how I got the money for it all but you see my parents had left me everything and it was at the bank, Grimwarts?"

"Gringotts," Narcissa corrected. This was the first time she'd spoken and her voice was gentle and caring, unlike Harry's aunt Petunia.

"Yes, Gringotts, thanks! There was loads of cash inside my vault! It was amazing! Hagrid, the giant, bought me an owl for my birthday while I was getting a wand from Ollivander's. It's a holly wood with a Phoenix feather. Mr Ollivander then went on about how the Phoenix gave two feathers and how it was strange because the other feather wand gave me my scar blah blah blah. You probably don't care but whatever."

Just as Harry finished talking Dobby, the house elf, entered with their drinks. He handed them over to Draco and Harry and Draco didn't give him a second look but Harry, without thinking, took the drink and said, louder than he intended, "Thanks!" Everyone went silent. The Malfoy family turned to look at him. Harry sensed he shouldn't have thanked Dobby but it just slipped out. Dobby began cowering away wimpering, "No one ever says thank you to Dobby. Dobby just does the work and gets punished if it's done wrong. Dobby normally has a cursing not a kind word of gratitude!"

"Now look what you've done, boy. Dobby GET OUT. I DONT WANT TO SEE YOU UNLESS YOU ARE CALLED UPON. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!" Lucius was shouting now. This made Harry curve inwards with guilt. Dobby hurried back through his little door muttering something Harry couldn't quite make out.

"Okay, boys! Let's open the Christmas presents!" Narcissa gestured towards the pile under the tree. Draco ran forwards and Harry walk slowly after him, not wanting to seem greedy but not wanting to be so alone with Draco's parents. He looked under the tree and gasped. His name was printed on the label of a huge present.

"Harry, as it was a last minute decision, you coming here, you may not have as many presents so please don't be disappointed," Narcissa said.

"I was expecting nothing so nothing could be a disappointment, especially after growing up in the Dursley household!"

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