Chapter 16

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Everyone was in a happy buzz. Talking and humming to how good the food tasted. There was laughing and everyone was on a happy go lucky vibe that was infectious.

"You're glowing? Is that a good thing or a bad thing cause to me it looks good on you". Kyungsoo said whispering in his ear.

Jaden chuckled. Shaking his head.

"So where's my gift?". Luhan asked. He has been bouncing his leg up and down opposite the table and Jaden could feel it the entire time.

Everyone was in their own conversations as he handed over the box.

Luhan took his time to unwrap the box with a huge smile on his face. He took off the lid and his smile faded.

Jaden lowered his head fiddling with his fingers under the table.

Luhan's face said it all. He didn't want this. Jaden pushed away from the table abruptly ready to walk all the way to the room.

But then he got pulled into a kiss and spun around.

Everything got quiet as everybody was watching them.

Jaden hit Luhan on his chest before hiding his face and his tears. "I thought you-"

"It took a minute to register". Luhan said smiling boyishly.

"Omo!!! We're gonna be uncles!". Baek shouted.

Luhan and Jaden looked at everyone cheering. Baekhyun took out some bubbly (non-alcoholic of course).

Luhan quickly wiped away the tears that was on Jay's lashes with his sleeves. "I'm gonna be a dad?". Jaden nod his head as he took out the test he took to show Luhan.

Luhan's smile got even brighter.

Everyone was getting ready to toast to the baby making and congratulating Luhan for scoring.

"Come on guys enough hugging let's toast to the newest soon to come member of the group". Kyungsoo said handing them all a glass of bubbly.

Luhan took Jadens hand and led him back to the table where everyone sat. "To the newest of the crew!". Baekyun said lifting up his glass and toasting Chanyeol sitting next to him.

Jaden took a sip of his bubbly after everyone clinked glasses with him. Luhan had his arm around his shoulder rubbing gentle circles on it. Making Jaden feel at peace. Finally he's getting the family he's always wanted.


"Lu can I borrow your laptop?". Jaden asked closing his iphone.

"Sure, it's in the top drawer". He said rubbing his hair dry with the towel as he came out of the bathroom.

Jaden popped up from the bed and opened the drawer, grabbing the laptop. Till a packet caught his attention. Condoms to be exact. It wasn't open sure, but they didn't use condoms.

"Hey Lu- why do you have condoms?".

"That's manager hyungs idea of a joke". Luhan said closing the drawer.

Jaden frowned skeptical about it. He sighed. He needs to trust in his husband after all.

"We however don't use condoms cause we're married and we're eachothers only sexual partners and resulting in the pending bun in the oven and... Is there anymore and's".

Jaden looked up at Luhan standing on his toes "There's an and I love you". He said before giving Luhan a smack on the lips with his own.

"Yes, there's that one as well". Luhan said opening his other drawers for clothes.

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