Chapter 20

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Jaden was the first to wake up. Blinking so his eyes can adjust and look around. He turned his head to look at the sleeping Lu.

He turned on his side and scanned his husbands face. Scrutinizing his features and what he wished his baby would have. Then he came to the conclusion he wanted his baby to have all of Luhan's features. He craned his neck a bit forward and kissed Luhan on the nose.

Luhan scrunched up his nose then opened his eyes to see Jay smiling sheepishly.

"Hey, okay, I'm up-". Luhan said pulling Jay closer. Jaden rolled his eyes and planted a kiss on Luhans lips before pulling away and sitting upright on the bed.

"Come on we can't be late for this appointment". Jaden said pulling at his shoes.

"Give me a few minutes to get dressed. You know you can make yourself something to eat before we leave because, from what you're telling me, you haven't eaten which makes it hurt. And you're not gonna hurt yourself by not taking care of you".

"I'm not hungry though". Jaden said whining. Till he loudly heard his stomach protest against him.

"Yeah, not gonna get away with it. Go get a bite to eat. I'm sure Kyungsoo made breakfast". Lu said bending to help tie the shoes. "Now go...".


Jaden pouted rubbing his stomach as he walked out into the hall heading for the kitchen.

Kyungsoo's mood lightened up when he saw Jaden, his eyes scanning Luhan's husband, eyes landing on the tummy. "You two had some growing done".

"Hey Soo. I'm a bit hungry though, Luhan is forcing me to eat. But how can I when it just comes right back up". He said sulking. Thinking of the after math that's going to occur.

" Chan already told me, so I made you some hot ginger tea, it should help you out with the nausea, or so I've read. And some chicken soup with bread should fill you right up. That way if you do land on the bathroom floor it'll be less chunky". He said taking the soup off the stove and poured it over into the soup bowl. With a side plate of bread and the tea on the matching side plate.

Jaden licked his lips, taking the spoon and lightly tasted it. He looked at Kyungsoo and sighed into the taste. "Oh my god I just had a food orgasm. This is soo good". He moaned as he took the bread.

The front door opened, and in came Sehun making Jaden still in his seat. Not that he was afraid. He just didn't trust the kid, who was way younger than him and Luhan. And that made him a bit sick to his stomach knowing the kid had a crush on his married hyung.

"Hey, come on, eat up". Kyungsoo said snapping him out of it.


Luhan joined his side. "You finished?".

"Yeah I was just drinking the ginger tea. I told Kyungsoo that we might be abled to find out the sex of the baby today". Jaden said putting the small tea-cup down.

"I think it's a girl. I mean. I see you running after her and putting pink ribbons and bows in her hair". Luhan said kissing the side of Jay's head as they headed for the door.

"Nope, I think it's a boy, I would want him to be the spitting image of you". He said putting on his bomber jacket and zipping it up.


Luhan stood infront of a rack filled with pregnancy mumbo jumbo he didn't know before. He took a couple of pamphlets of the male pregnancy ones before he sat down next to Jaden.

He was bouncing his legs up and down when he read about expecting dads. Irritating Jaden the hell out. He placed his palm on Luhans thigh to stop him from making him stress.

"Hey, relax it is just standard procedure. Nothing serious okay. We're gonna go in there and finally we'd be abled to hear our babies heartbeat and everything will be fine". Jaden said opening his hands, waiting for Luhan to place his inside of it. Luhan gave a loud sigh and laced his finger with Jay's. And Jaden to that opportunity to rest his head on Luhan's tense shoulder. Causing him to relax.

"Jaden Xiao".

Jadens perked his head making Luhan get up with him.


They entered the examination room. Luhan catching a chair and Jaden catching the bed.

"You've missed a couple of appointments Jaden, I understand you wanted to wait for your husband?". His gynecologist said pointing to Luhan with his pen.

Jaden nod his head to confirm that indeed it was his husband.

"Okay let's get started. I'm going to do a full body examination, check your breathing and your heart beat. Your blood pressure and some blood tests for any underlying problems and check on the extra person right after. Is that okay?".

Jaden nod his head.

Luhan watched as they were busy examining Jay. He giggled when they drew blood from Jaden and he shut his eyes closed not wanting to look cause of his fear for needles.

"Okay, I think you're all set. Let us check on the baby okay".

Jaden laid back onto the bed, lifting his turtle neck from the hem, flipping it over.

"Okay, so this is gonna be cold like before".

Jaden shivered when the gel got squeezed onto his stomach. Making Luhan scoot closer to the bed. Jaden lifted his hand for Luhan to take, then he focused on the wand that spread the gel around making him frown at the cold instead of shiver.

"Okay let's have a look at your baby hmm?". The gyne said switching on the monitor.

Jaden knew exactly what to look at. He squeezed Luhan's hand as he smiled at the monitor.

"Over here, as you can see, is the baby's head, and this tail like shape over here is the spine and the rest of the body. Arms and legs aren't fully formed yet, but that light flutter over there is your babies heart beat. You wanna hear it?".

Luhan blinked at all of the information looking at the screen and where the doctor pointed at with everything he just explained. He looked at Jaden who had a soft smile. As he nod yes for the sound to be switched on.

The doctor flipped a switch and a soft drone sound filled the room.

Luhan closed his eyes listening to the humm of the heart beat with a frown on his face till he found the rhythm. He opened his eyes to look at Jaden who had tears in his eyes. His nose slowly turning red.

"Can you give us a second?". Luhan asked the doctor for some privacy.

The gyne put it on record. The sound and image on the screen on repeat.

Luhan turned to Jaden with a worried look on his face. "What's going on? Are you okay?".

Jaden nod his head yes. Then looked at Luhan with teary eyes. "That's our baby Lu-".

"I know baby, I know. Perfectly healthy at that too". Luhan said with a smile kissing Jay's hand multiple times.

"What if I'm no good at being a good dad. What if -".

"You're going to be a great daddy. I get the dad title, don't get it twisted okay". Jaden have a small chuckle looking up at the white ceiling. "Hey, our family is finally coming along. We're going to love this baby. Most probably will be spoiled rotten by his uncle Baek, and Kyungsoo. Everything will be okay".

"I don't want to lose him".

"And you won't". Luhan said giving him one last kiss on the knuckles.

The doctor came in with 3 printed pictures of the ultrasound. He handed it over to Luhan.

"Okay, so is there anything else I can do for you? Any headaches etc....".

"The morning sickness is a bit too much. It starts hurting alot -".

"I will give you some pills for the nausea. Did you want to know the gender of the baby?". He asked the couple.

Jaden looked at Luhan. "I actually want to know, I'm not sure if Luhan is -".

"Yes I would, at least now we know what color to buy in".

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