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The next day, we were cleaning the apartment from the mess of last night. Everyone had left around the same time. The night was still young for them, but as a mother of a three years old toddler, I needed to sleep early. But the cleaning today had become a little emotional for me.

I was crying over a baby shoe of Haneul's while Ikon's Love Scenario played in the background. Haneul pranced happily around her room in her pink tulle skirt Seungyoun had gift her, haphazardly singing along to the song. She knew two, maybe three, lyrics?

"Seungwoo." I turned my tear-strained face towards Seungwoo, the very picture of pathetic. "Do you re-remember when Haneul f-fit into these shoes?"

"I do, indeed." Seungwoo shifted the heavy cardboard box in my arms and stole a glance at Haneul. She definitely couldn't fit into those shoes now.

Haneul turned her attention to us, paying no mind to her mother's tears. I had been crying on and off the whole day. Cleaning and packing were an emotional experience for me when I was pregnant the last time. Still, Seungwoo had never seen me this bad. He'd had to stifle many laughs and eye-rolls. The drama.

"Mama, I don't even like those shoes." Haneul said heartlessly. "They're baby shoes. I not a baby."

"Yes, you are." I moaned, stretching my arms out towards Haneul. "You're my baby."

"No!" Haneul shouted, sassily stomping a foot. "I not a baby!" She turned her indignant face to Seungwoo, looking for justice.

"Please be nice to Mama." He said gently. "She's having a tough time right now, and you're not making it any better."

Haneul pouted at Seungwoo. I had been reduced to a sobbing mess on the floor. Chika purred spastically from our bedroom, where she'd probably trapped herself in a plastic bag for the millionth time this morning.

"I need a drink." Seungwoo mumbled to himself, rubbing the bridge of his nose.

Seungwoo threw the trash bag in the kitchen and suddenly called out loud to me.

"Baby! Is Hana still dating that foreign guy?"

"Oh my god, do you remember when they started dating?" I asked dramatically, practically sobbing. "It was when we moved into our first apartment, when she's done chasing after you. Oh my god, Seungwoo, baby. I'm so old. I'm married and I have a kid and I'm going to be thirty soon."

Seungwoo rolled his eyes and marched into Haneul's bedroom. I blinked up at him as he stood sternly over me, arms crossed and a frown on his face.

"Go take a fucking nap before I rip out all of my goddamn hair." He hissed, too low for Haneul's hearing.

My eyes filled with fresh tears. "Are you...are you mad at me?"

"Oh, my god." Seungwoo sighed. "Babe, you're a mess. You need like, a bath and a nap, or maybe less hormones, but you're driving me up the fucking wall and I can't deal with it right now. Please. If you love me, please, stop crying."

"I'm sad!" I cried, hair falling indignantly into my face. "I can't help how many hormones I have, Seungwoo."

"Seungwoo!" Haneul echoed sassily, hands on her hips.

"That's Daddy to you." Seungwoo pointed warningly at her. "And you can take a nap, too."

"Nooooo." She whined, arms falling dramatically to her sides. "No, Daddy, noooo. I don't wanna take a nap. I already take a nap today!"

Seungwoo scoffed. "No, you didn't. Don't try those fake tears with me, drama queen. Get your little booty in bed."

"No, no! No!" She threw herself onto the floor and cried into her pink unicorn carpet.

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