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"Holy shit." I dropped the pregnancy test on the ground in shock. It bounced against my foot and hurts a little, but I didn't even care.

Was I really pregnant? Were we really going to have another baby soon?

I immediately picked up the pregnancy test and stared into the bathroom mirror, tears streaming down my face. There were two pink lines on the plastic stick. I stared at the pregnancy test I was holding in my right hand as if willing it to change. Even though I've been pregnant before, I held the test up to the back of the box to make sure I'd read the results correctly.

Two lines. Pregnant.

The box gleefully proclaim that it was 99.9 percent accurate, but I read the wording again. The odds I was pregnant were pretty good; this was the second test I'd taken. The first one I'd wrapped in layers of toilet paper and stuffed back inside the box about five minutes ago.

That test had also been positive, which meant I wasn't just missing my period because of stress as I had done a few times before in my life. As I'd thought had happened at the end of August. No, two months of missed cycles and two positives tests meant one thing.

I was definitely going to have my second baby with Seungwoo.

I wrapped the second stick in toilet paper and shoved it into the box before placing the whole package back into the black plastic bag the drugstore had thoughtfully provided. I tossed the sack in the trash can, making sure to hide it at the bottom.

I hadn't planned on taking the test, especially not now. I'd run by the drugstore after sending Haneul to daycare to get some headache medicine and, worried about having missed my period twice in a row, had picked up the test after I'd passed it in the aisle. Then the box had sat in my purse like a homing beacon. Not going to take it especially when Seungwoo is still at home. Finally, around 12 p.m., when Seungwoo went to pick up Haneul from daycare, I hadn't been able to take the suspense anymore. I had to know the results.

And now I did.

I straightened and took a long, hard look at myself in the mirror. I'm finally pregnant. I was about to be a mother of two.

I'm so happy that I slide down on the floor, bursts out into fresh tears.

"You're definitely pregnant." Dr. Yoon said as she moved the ultrasound wand over my stomach, pressing slightly. "If you look right here on the monitor, that's your baby. While it's not much yet, this is the outline of the head and this is the body."

My breath caught in my throat. The black and white image wasn't the sharpest, but I could make out what Dr. Yoon was showing me. There was life growing inside me.

"We'll schedule you for another ultrasound before you leave today." Dr. Yoon continued. "You'll see a whole lot more then as it will be a more in-depth examination. This one just tells us that you aren't going to be having multiples. From what I can tell, you're just having one."

"Wow." I said simply, taking a final peek at the screen before Dr. Yoon removed the wand from my stomach.

"Quite incredible, isn't it?" Dr. Yoon said. "I see so many of these and I'm moved every time. Go ahead and get dressed, then meet me in my office."

With that, she left the room and gave me my privacy. I sat up and used the paper towels provided to wipe the gel off my stomach. Despite the positive pregnancy tests, I had still wondered if they hadn't been wrong. The ultrasound, though, sealed it for me. I was going to have another baby. Me and Seungwoo. Our second baby that we've been trying so hard to get is finally here. Although the image hadn't looked like much, I was having a baby again and it was depending on me for nourishment. I'd never been so happy or so humbled.

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