Extreme makeover #1

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I gasped in horror as I saw the mounds of creams, cosmetics and other weapons of Lily's in the restroom. She had 3 seconds to herself and she turns up with all this? I'm officially doomed.

"Okay, so Leslie and I were thinking.... If you're gonna be a girl, you'd have to be like extremely girly..."

Extremely girly? I'm not just doomed, I seem to have sunken into this pit of horrors.

"Uh, what about not that extremely girly... Kinda like Leslie-ish, no offense meant, Leslie, I find your aesthetic cool, that's all..", I blabbered.

Lily grinned. "So you wanna be like Leslie, huh?", she asked. " I can do it, no questions asked. But the bullies won't be kind to you."


"Yup. Bullies. They once tore of Les's shirt in front of everyone and called her a guy. But no one, not even the bullies, could call her a dude seeing she's so well endowed in-"

Leslie shoved Lily hard. "Shut up, body Objectifier."

"Just stating facts, hun."

I couldn't help but look. Leslie was shapely, but you couldn't see that with the type of clothes she wore . I wondered how she'd look with-

"Okay, you're extreme makeover #1 by Lily 'makemefab' Yamada is gonna begin. Sir, strip."


"Yup. How do you think you're gonna get curves then?"

My decision had already been made. I was going to stay here whether I like it or not, so I had to bare all this. Here goes nothing, I thought.

I stripped down to my boxers and waited as Lily came over with a small bottle in her hand. She started rubbing cream from the bottle all over me. Exfoliation cream or something? I didn't know and didn't care till I felt a tingling sensation all over. I was about to mention it to Lily when Leslie handed me a towel.

"Okay, now, go have a nice bath."

I didn't understand why but I didn't particularly care till I started the shower and realized that all my body hair was falling off.


"What happened?", I heard Leslie's voice,panting.

" You didn't tell me this is shaving cream!", I screamed. I saw all my body hair, the only remainder of my masculinity, all swirling together into the drain. Oh, the horror.

"Oi, listen up. If you want to turn into a girl, we need to do it the hard way. If we're going for extremely girly or even believably girly, you need to shave your legs. Unless you want someone to put two and two, and figure out what's underneath that skirt, you better just let us do what we do, okay? We're helping you here, bud. Help us help you."

Lily's words 100% made sense. I realized I couldn't talk about or even think of masculinity for this one year. I muttered, "okay..." And heard the washroom door close.

I started to rub off all my body hair and then I realized, without all that hair, my legs did look quite feminine. Long and....so smooth. I rubbed my bare legs against each other. It was so good to feel them, soft and smooth and delish. I was feeling sexy and....wait, what the heck was I thinking?! Did I actually just think that my legs were now sexy? Nah, I must have just thought my legs looked a girl's and I must have been getting off on that. Phew. I had actually been worried for two seconds.

"Feeling good, are we?", Lily asked. "Now, use my soap. Get it? My soap. The white gardenia-and-jasmine petal bath and body works body wash. If you touch Leslie's gender-neutral fragrance bar, I.will.kill.you. And my sense of smell isn't horrible, so I'll know."

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