Lily and Leslie

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I slipped on my hood, luckily just as I figured that there was someone else. The 'someone else' was this gorgeous Asian girl with long black bangs and a short bob, dyed aqua blue. She had more piercings than I could count but more piercing than that were her eyes. She stared at me as I made my way to an unoccupied bed.
"I'm Brittany Donahey", I stuttered. Dammit, why was I so bad at this? Duh, I wasn't a girl. I could still escape but I needed to make a lot of explanations that I wasn't sure I could handle. I decided to get out as she continued to stare at me, and just as I opened the door she zoomed forward and caught my hand.
"Where do you think you're going, mister?", she said as she patted my chest. No boobs there. I had a lot of explanations to give.

" So wait, lemme get this straight. You're hiding from your dad so you thought boarding school was a good option but then you got sent here and you didn't know it was a girls school?", she asked. I nodded. And as quick as that, her demeanor changed. She was grinning so wide that I wasn't so sure whether she was gonna let me hide out and stick to my original plan. "OMG, my wish came true!",she screeched," I always wanted this!"

"Wanted what?", I asked weakly.

" To crossdress someone! Girls crossdressing? Boring. Give me guys anyway! BTW, my name's Lily. Lily Yamada. Don't forget that,OK? We're gonna be perfect roomies! I'll help you hide here and I'm like THE makeup artist of the school, so you're covered. Nobody's gonna know who you are under those pants. I'm gonna turn you gorgeous, babe!"

Wow. That was some level of belief. I had to ask this.

"What if I was lying? I believed me super easily. What if I was just here know...spy on you or something?"

"Believe me,hun, I know you aren't lying just from looking at you. And this",she said, dropping her arms from around my chest and pointed down below. " I'm wearing like nothing and there's no reaction. You gotta be gay."

"I'm not gay! Just cause I didn't get a boner....", I muttered.

She scrutinized me with another stare. " I had a feeling.... I dunno. Whatever you say. We'll see."

She winked and sat down on the cot and motioned me to follow. I locked the door and sat next to her. She rubbed her hands over my hair and looked at me from different angles. I totally DID find this creepy. She gave me a satisfied smile.

"You've got like the perfect bone structure for crossdressing. You're shoulders are narrow, you've got a small waist, your overall build is small and you've got a perky butt. I give you my vote", she raised a thumbs up.

A perky butt?

" What about our other roommate?", I asked. She'd have to know too. One more person to view me in all my agony.

"Who, Leslie? You're talking about my girl crush who can never be. Show some respect, okay?", she winked. " She's fine. Or rather, more than fine. She'll help out. She's kinda like my minion. Hmmm, that's not true.... She'll totally understand. I'll talk her into it. That's on me."

I wondered about Leslie when I heard the knock on the door. Lily opened the door and I got a good look at her. She was lithe with shaggy white blonde hair that nicked her jawbone and dark grey-green eyes. She wore a loose black T-shirt and grey jeans, her entire look screaming 'tomboy'. She dumped her bag near the other cot and stretched herself out on it.

"Train journeys are amazing and all but remind me to take a flight next time",she said and sat up. " Oh,who's this?"

Lily perked up. "Ooh, this is Zach. He's our new roommate."

"Oh, hey Zach."

Wait, WHAT? Doesn't she realize I'm a dude?

"So either our school's become way more acceptable of LGBTQ people and decided to accept you or you're hiding here as a girl and Lily thinks she can help you. Which is it? Personally I can't imagine headmistress Grouch ever being socially aware so I prefer the latter. Am I correct?"

I didn't know what hit me. I stared at her with my mouth open. She took out white headphones, slipped it on and fidgeted with an iPod before falling on her bed again.

"I'll talk her into it, okay? Don't worry. Leslie will help. I'll make sure of it."

She pulled Leslie out of her bed and into the washroom. They began to talk over there and I could hear the odd whisper:


"Come onnnn."

"*eye roll."

Okay, I couldn't hear the eye roll, but I could feel it. I felt it was something Leslie would do even though I didn't hear her. Shows how much I could understand Leslie the second I met her itself. They finally came out of the washroom and Lily rolled her eyes.

"Fine, we don't need your help. Let's go to the Buzz shack to plan."

Leslie sat up and looked at Lily.

"You can't be serious. The Buzz shack?"

"With sesame chilli fries. I'm 100% serious."

"OKAY, I'll help. But we can't discuss this at the Buzz shack."

"I'll treat you later!Now we help Zach here."

Lily grinned and shook her head.
Seeing my confused expression, she muttered," Les is a sucker for food. Junk preferably. She's gonna help us out now and thank god for that, because I suck at lesser details. And plus, she has the key to the drama club room."

Leslie got up and cracked her knuckles.
"Okay,let's transform you now."

Lily gasped," No, doofus, not like that! Here, let me show how it's done."

She locked the door and dimmed the lights. I was starting to get creeped out. What did she have planned?

"Zach Donahey, let me introduce girl world!"

She opened the washroom door and I almost fainted.

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