Shopping Spree (not my idea)

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Lily dragged me and Leslie behind her as she swept out of the room. We floated along her as she took us out of school and caught a cab. I couldn't escape all the stares that came my way. It just kept reminding me that I was a boy in panties. Way to go, Zach.

I had to keep reminding myself to sit with my legs crossed and swing my hips when I walked. From Lily's grin, I think I got the last part correct. The crop top kept riding up and almost exposing my pseudo-breasts and the skirt kept getting stuck in my butt, and my hair kept flying about everywhere but somehow I managed to pull it off. Lily kept making me apply my lip gloss, which I tried to keep ignoring, to no avail. It was Lily handling me, after all. And the worst bit? The cab driver kept staring at me and my legs. Things couldn't have been worse.
"Where to, ma'am?"
"Victoria's Secret, please."
I was seriously dreading this bit. I would have rather visited Victorinox and got a knife to cut myself. When we reached, Lily started discussing about what we'd have to buy. "We're removing all your boxers. You can't let anyone catch you in those. Even if you are in the dorm, matron can enter any second, since she has a spare key. So we'll get you bras, panties and some extra stuff you might like, okay?"
"Isn't Victoria's Secret expensive?"
"Babe, I'm loaded. Haven't you heard of Yamada Pharmaceuticals? Nothing I wouldn't do to get my favourite girlfriend what she wants."
Wants? Seriously?
Leslie yawned." Seriously, though, can I leave? I'll wait for you guys in the ice cream parlor next door."
"No-o, Les! We need to find out what looks sexy on Brittany! Though that shouldn't be too hard..."
Leslie groaned and as usual Lily ignored her and pulled us both into the shop.
And wow. Lingerie was flashing at me from every direction, ranging from demure bralettes to sexy lace thongs. Silk night suits and black thigh highs, you name it from your wildest desire, it was there. Lily took us right to the changing rooms and said, "I'll bring you stuff. See if they fit. Since you don't know so much about these things right now, we'll select for you, okay?"
Did I have a choice? I nodded my head tightly.
Lily set off, leaving me outside the changing room alone. I started to wander from aisle to aisle, letting my hand brush against the smooth materials: silk, lace, nylon and the softest cotton. There was even a pair of white briefs made of the softest material ever. I contemplated getting one; after all, it just had a pink lace bow in front. I turned around and damn. I saw this sexy red satin babydoll night dress with the thinnest straps and a deep neckline that just accentuated the curves of the mannequin. I started daydreaming, first imagining myself with a girl wearing that, which led to me realising that no girl could probably wear it as well as me. Heck, with my curves, I could give models a run for their money... I imagined myself then, with my breasts just peeking out and my hips accentuated...and my hip bones demurely covered by... perhaps, a black lace thong...

It was like some girl was taking over my life... And I was that girl! I was enjoying it. I started to rethink. Wait, don't hyperventilate. It's just your competitive streak thinking you could do it better than a girl (never mind I'm always the person in last place. My competitive spirit was finally showing itself). And didn't you start your daydream with an imaginary girl friend? That's all. This was highly reassuring, but some small part of me felt like I was denying something. I buried that part deeply in the back of my head and pretended that nothing had happened when Lily showed up, with a bag full of clothes.
"Okay, Britt, come on, we got you loads of stuff to try on."
I entered the changing room and blushed as Lily entered with me. But no one even spared a glance. Lily pulled the crop top of me (which took some hard work. Ha,gotcha!) and removed my bra. She then pulled out all the clothes and dumped them on the floor.
"First of all, Leslie's bra fits you almost perfectly, except for the fact that your chest is bigger. Not your bust, your chest. So, 34 DD is gonna be perfect for you. Try these on, okay?"
She handed me a white stretchy bra that seemed too innocent for Lily's taste. I put those on and mmm. My chest felt much more comfortable. Lily gave me a quizzical look and I nodded.
"Yeah, these bras are made for comfort. I'm letting you get one pair since I'm nice like that. Now, come on, try and rate."
I started wearing whatever Lily passed me now. Almost everything fit, but it all came down to our choices. And obviously, we didn't agree. In  the end, since no one can ignore the force of nature that is Lily,  I ended up selecting 3 pink bras, a few push up bras ('you need these, ASAP'), some midway normal ones, a strapless, some fancy ass ones with ribbon and...two pairs of the sexiest lace bras I had ever laid my eyes on. One was red and had the thinnest straps and the other was black with such small cups, my nipple was almost visible.( I'm still confused as to how that bra is my cup size). I was so disgusted at the thought of me wearing them (obviously, I thought it would look amazing on a girl doing me), yet some  small part of me longed to wear them again, as I remembered how stunning I'd looked in the mirror. So after I'd projected enough reluctance (real, obviously), I agreed to get them.
We then shopped for panties and after Leslie and I both put my foot down, Lily agreed I didn't need thongs.
"Lily, he doesn't need those, as far as I know."
" Aww, come on Les, she might."
"We're helping him blend in. If he finds these comfortable to wear, then let him get these."
"You're such a killjoy."
I was glad that Leslie was finally helping me out. But she didn't see the collection of panties that Lily had already selected. Though they were panties, they were all exotic: lace, silk, satin, barely there, low cut and other fancy stuff. I was also quite sure she did hide a thong or two in the bag, but she gave me such a look that I kept my mouth shut. I didn't need to get into Lily's bad books.
We then bought night dresses: mostly night dresses that barely covered my legs, ending mid thigh and flowy material and a few pajamas that Lily let me buy when Leslie gave her the evil eye. We stopped in front of the red nightdress that I had been fantasizing about and Lily put it in the bag, to my dark satisfaction. Leslie looked at me quizzically, seeing whether I was okay with it, and I gave a sad, downcast nod.
I think it was convincing enough. I had not really wanted to wear the other stuff, but there was something about this dress which gave me the shivers: I needed it.
Lily also bought me a perfume and then we went to clothing stores to get me dresses. My new wardrobe would now consist of skirts, dresses, handbags, crop tops, mini skirts, heels, stockings, fishnets, necklaces, satin tops, heels, boots, wedges, earrings, bracelets and other stuff that the great dictator thought necessary. Leslie snuck in some leggings and a pink sweatpants and was on my side when I said no to a black miniskirt that said 'where's daddy?' on the back.
We also bought some makeup just for me, with Lily making me reapply my lip gloss every two seconds. We finally came to the part I was dreading the most: bikinis. Leslie agreed with Lily here that I needed to wear the fanciest ones possible if I was going to be a cheerleader. I ended up getting a few, the type where you tie the string on at the sides. They were all lacy, which Lily said was a precautionary measure against people seeing my 'bulge'.
"I don't think it works that way."
"See,I'll help you tuck it in, and with the lace it won't be as defined as the tight ones."
"These are tight ones too."
"Like I said, I'll help you tuck it in."
"You're getting off on this, aren't you?", Leslie softly asked. Lily turned pale for a second, but pretended that she hasn't heard anything.
"Come on, girls, let's go!"
We left the store and decided to walk back to school (Leslie groaned at this). As I kept walking, Lily continued to give me tips.
"Oh yeah, swing it like that."
"Don't hold yourself so stiff."
Leslie rolled her eyes and I laughed. Lily grinned and was about to say something when she suddenly stopped.
"Don't turn, both of you. Brittany, apply this", she whispered, handing me a lipstick. I obeyed and then she handed me gloss to finish it. She made me rearrange my hair, letting a wave fall over the right side of my face.
" Now, turn."
I turned and started walking forward,not seeing the two guys walking towards us when three things happened simultaneously. I bumped into someone and fell, my handbag plopping open and spilling stuff everywhere. Lily with a totally practiced look of horror, cried, "Brittany, are you all right?"
And Leslie glared at Lily with a disgusted face and muttered under her breath.
I looked up to see brown hair, golden skin and chocolate brown eyes, and a hand stretching forward, "Are you all right?"

Lily grinned, leslie shook her head and I just continued to gather my things. I didn't want to look back up.


Finally got this chapter done! Hope you guys like it. Do leave a comment. I really wonder what you guys think about this. Should I continue? Anyway, I'm gonna take a nice long break now and binge myself on Netflix now. See ya soon!

P.S. this is really unimportant but I just wanted to mention it. Leslie never buys stuff at Victoria's Secret. She doesn't support their 'ideology'. I dunno if she is going to convince Zach, but Lily won't listen to her ideas on it.

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