Dont Go?!

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Erica's POV

I was arguing with this nerd who is named Dustin because he was calling me a NERD. Really a nerd. Look at me and look at him!! I'm a fashion diva who wants free ice cream. He is just a nerd who wants to see evil Russians. What is this History class. "And how do you know so much about My Little Pony?" I asked rolling my eyes. "Because I'm a nerd." Dustin said looking at me while I crossed my arms. "Why don't you shut your big mouth big head." I said yelling at him. "Erica were trapped in RUSSIAN VENTS and you are mad because I called you a nerd?" Dustin said while yelling at me. "Oh shut-" Dustin put a finger on my lips and looked at the other direction. I looked at the other direction and saw a pretty girl who has good taste in clothes, but she looks like a nerd. She flinched a little and looked at us. "Not another nerd." I said annoyed while swinging My Little Pony backpack around my shoulders.. Dustin was looking at Y/N with gloom in his eyes. 'Nerds like nerds.' I thought. "One I'm not a nerd. Two I'm trying to save my friends from stupid demogorgons. " She said while flinging her hands in the air. She flinched while hearing the loud thud she made. "Shhh." Dustin and I said while looking at her. "So... Do you have an idea??" Dustin said looking at her. "Umm no." She said while setting her things down. "We have a lot of planning to do." Dustin said groaning. After a few moments of thinking I started to get thirsty. "Do you have any water." I asked while looking at her. "I think I grabbed some from Scoops Ahoy..." "Perfect." I said while snatching the water bottle out of her hands. "She just stared at me while drinking the water." "Your welcome." The girl said sarcastically. "I have an idea!" Dustin said. We both looked at each other and shrugged. "What's your plan?" The girl said. (A few minutes later because I'm too lazy to write. Lolz) We jumped out of the vents and looked both ways. "Finally." The girl said. "Where are the keys?" Dustin said while looking everywhere. "Right here." The girl said while holding the keys up high. "I'll drive." The girl said while sitting in the drivers seat. "But-" "Look at this." I said while holding out a tazer type weapon. "Oh god. Why do we need a weapon!" Dustin said while flinging his arms in the air. "Protection." I said while putting a hand on my hip. "Hop on." The girl said while turning on the car. Dustin and I hopped on and the girl zoomed her way through the hallways. "Go left." Dustin said repeating everything. "OK!" The girl said while turning left. We soon bumped into some boxes and it didn't budge. "Shit." Dustin said. We had to get off the car and walk. "Thank god its right there!" Dustin said while opening the door. "Hey guys!!" Dustin said while putting his toothy grin. "Bye bye." The girl said while hitting the Russian with a table. I tazed the doctor and ran to Steve and Robin. "Holy shit." Dustin said while looking at them. The girl just stood there while looking at everyone. "Hi. I'm Y/N." Y/N said while waving. 'Oh. Her name is Y/N!' I thought. Steve and Robin just laughed. "Umm." Y/N said while looking at Steve and Robin.

Elevens POV

Max and I walked to my house because of this 'important news' that we have to know. Max started to groan while wiping her eyes. "Why do we have to go now!?" I shrugged my shoulders while looking at Max's watch. 5:30 am on the 4th of July. These people are real Karen's for waking up this early. I learned the word Karen from Y/N. It was kinda weird because Mikes mom is named Karen so I just rolled with it. Max looked up to me and giggled. I giggled back. "What's so funny??" I asked. "Mike will be normal because Y/N isn't with us. He would probably be like 'Thank god she isn't here. I hated her so much. She's a bad influence for Eleven.' And blah blah blah." Max said while moving her hands around. I quickly nodded. After a few minutes of talking, I could hear Mike bickering about my health. "I knew Y/N and Max was a bad influence. New people are always the worst." Mike yelled in front of Will and Lucas. Max rolled her eyes while going up to them. "Hey frog face. What do you want, its 6:00 in the morning?!" Max said while hugging Lucas. Mike just stared at me while I was saying hi to Will. "So where's Y/N. Did you guys dump her like how El dumped me?" Mike said while Max and I looked at each other. "Y/N just left. I thought she was with you guys?" Max said. "Yeah. With you guys." I said behind Max. "Why the hell would she be with us. She's not our friends or is she?!" Mike said while getting up on Max's face. "I wasn't really talking to you, I was talking to Will. You and Lucas are animals." Max said while pointing at Will. "I still can't believe you haven't opened up to Y/N yet." Max said while crossing her arms. "I haven't found the right time." Will said while putting his head down. "People. Stop bickering and let's talk about the news." Nancy said while Jonathan was running behind. "Fine." We all said in the same time. I high fived Max while entering the house. "Hopper is gone for 12 days." Eleven said while sitting on the green couch. "Ohio must be big." Will said while sitting right next to me. "Billy has been acting weird." Lucas said while Mike nodded. "I haven't seen him act weird." Max said and everyone started to look at her. "Really? Have you ever seen him with his shirt on." Lucas said. Max shakes her head while sitting down. "We have seen a lot of people act different like Ms.Driscoll." Nancy said while Jonathan put his camera down. "There's only one way we can find out and it's by using Elevens powers." Jonathan said while everybody nodding. "NO!! You guys are not using Elevens powers. It's to dangerous." Mike said while shaking his head. "Do you have a better plan?" Max said while looking at Mike. "I don't care what you do. I love her and I can't lose her again!" Mike said and everybody turned silent. "I'll do it." I say. Everybody nodded and Max kicked Mike so he could shut up. Everybody looked at me while I was getting prepared. "Everybody quiet." Eleven says while grabbing the blindfold. Somebody turned on the TV and I went to the place. Billy was sitting on his bed while fireworks popped in the background. Billy looked up and saw me. "I want to see. I want to see what happened." I said while Billy grabbed my arm tightly. I started to whimper while Billy got up. A few seconds later, Billy let go and everything turned dark. I started to fall out of nowhere. I was feeling nauseous and felt like I was going to throw up. I soon fell on a sandy floor full of shells. I looked up and I was at the beach. "El where are you?" Nancy asked. "At a beach. Sunny." I said. "She's in California." Max said in the background. I started to walk all over when I saw a really pretty woman. "There's a woman. She's really pretty." I said while going up to her. She waved her arm and I was confused. I soon turned around and saw a boy around the age of 10. He looked really sweet. "Did you see me??" The boy said while going up to the woman. "Yeah you were great!" The woman said. It must be Billy and his mom. "Can I do one more??" "Idk Billy-" "Please." Lil Billy said pleading. The woman looked at the sky and said. "Fine one more." Lil Billy ran happily to the ocean. I smiled at the thought. Everything turned blurry and I could a sand storm coming in. The sand got into my eyes, but I was ok. I soon found some people and got close. "Please don't leave me." Little Billy said while his mother left. A man stood behind Billy and patted his back. The people disappeared and then I saw Billy and I think his dad playing softball? "Your such a crybaby. Grow up!! Act tough or you will get bullied." The man said while Billy wiped his tears and ran away. I chased small Billy while giving a dirty look at the man. I ran until I saw Billy calling someone. "Please come back?" I heard Billy say. "NO NOO!!" Billy said crying. I soon saw a vision of Billy, his dad, and a redhead. "Billy this is Maxine. It's Max." Aww. Max is so little!! I wanted to hug her, but she disappeared. I ran to a place that didn't have the sand storm. "I found something." I said. "What did you find?" Max said. "A place called... Brimborn Steel Works." "Got it!" Nancy said. "El get out of ther now!" Mike said. "Ok." I said. I took off my blindfold and no one was there. "Guys??" I said while walking around. "You shouldn't have entered there." Billy said. I turned around. "Your to late El. I have an army and all of your friends are gonna die. Mike is gonna die, Max is gonna die, Hopper is gonna die, everyone is going to die and there's nothing you can do about it." Billy said. I was whimpering. Billy soon disappeared and I took off my blindfold off. I looked at everybody and I started to cry.

Ooop. Sorry I haven't posted in a LONG time. I'm so sorry!!!!!! Please forgive me. I just have been busy with my work and my other book. Sorry!!!

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