Marlena's Short Story

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Well Marlena5SOS here's your short story! Hope you like it! (The other people getting one yours will be here soon!) Enjoy :)

Calum's POV

It had been a long day, a very long day. I've been running around doing last minute Christmas shopping.

Marlena was being very picky this year with what we got other people. She had to make sure that everything we got was perfect. Which is weird considering she hates shopping with a passion.

Her mom wanted a blender. She gave no details whatsoever. So me being me I went out and bought a decent one. When I brought it home Marlena stated very clearly that it was the wrong type.

How could it be the wrong type if her mom didn't even give any details?!

Shopping with her is even worse. She always wants to get the stupidest shit for any and everyone. As well she always complains that we've been shopping for too long and that she wants to go home.

She has a cousin and of course she wanted to buy him a stupid, and I hate to admit, but it was adorable, a plaid flannel shirt. He doesn't need it, besides we have already went way beyond what we planned for him.

Putting that aside, I was actually here for Marlena. I had a couple great ideas for her, some albums and that kind of stuff.

It was the day before Christmas Eve and it was damn cold outside. Everyone had their nice Christmas lights on at night. I loved looking at the Christmas lights, their beautiful.

As I was exiting target I noticed a Starbucks, knowing Marlena she would kill for a gingerbread latte right now.

"Um, hello," I awkwardly stepped up to the cashier.

"Hello, what can I get you?" She laughed.

"A gingerbread latte?" I tried to order but it came out as a question.

"What size?"

"Just a tall please," I smiled.

She grabbed a cup and wrote on it,
"What's your name?"


Once I was done there I walked to my car.

After about fifteen minutes I finally pulled into the house. Marlena was home so I had to quickly run in and hide her presents.

"Calum, your home! I missed you honey," she smiled, trying to hug me. I pulled away and ran into our room. I know she'll be confused but that's ok.

Once I was done in our room I walked back to the kitchen. She was standing next to the counter decorating some gingerbread men with her little cousin.

The first thing I noticed is that she dyed her hair baby blue. It looked really good on her. Finally, she used the hair dye I bought her months ago.

"My aunt and mom went out," she smiled. God she looked so beautiful when she smiled. I mean, she always looks beautiful just when she smiled it made everyone else smile.

"I hope Santa gets me what I wanted!" Her cousin yelled, grabbing some icing to decorate the gingerbread man in front of him.

His gingerbread man was very cute.

"Look it's me!" He smiled, his two top teeth were missing.

"How come you don't have any teeth?" I joked.

"I don't know," he said, scratching the top of his head.

"I love you," Marlena smiled, walking over to me and hugging me gently. I wrapped my arms around her and slowly lowered my hands till they were on her ass. I then squeezed it a little bit.

"Calum! My cousins right there!" She giggled.

I winked at her and walked back to her room to wrap her gifts.

Marlena's POV

I woke up the next morning when I felt someone lay down on top of me; Calum.

"Calum what are you doing?" I groaned. It was way too early to get up. "Go back to bed!"

"But it's Christmas!!" He shouted excitedly.

I shot right up. I forgot it was Christmas. I had been too busy with making sure I got everything perfect for everyone that I forgot it was Christmas.

"Want to go open some presents before everyone shows up?" I yawned, stretching out my arms.

He nodded his head like a little kid and ran out of the room. I nearly tripped trying to catch up with him.

We both sat beside the tree and handed each other a present with our name on it.

"Open yours first Marlena," Calum smirked.

"Open yours first," I said, poking his abs.

He didn't hesitate one bit, he ripped the present open with such a force.

His face lit up when he saw it.

"Oh. My. God! I thought the tickets sold out!" He practically screamed.

"I've had them for awhile," I smiled at the Bring Me The Horizon tickets I got him and I. "You have to bring me. It's not a question."

He laughed and leaned in and planted a soft kiss apon my my lips.

"Thank you so much. I love you."

I opened my present and screamed. He got me The Pretty Reckless' new CD that I've been begging for, for months.

"I love it!"

We both opened up the rest of our gifts and I thought we were done until I saw a little box in the tree.

"Calum what's this?" I asked grabbing the box.

Calum grabbed the box from my hand and made me stand up. He stood up too before kneeling.

"Marlena, I love you so much. Ever since I laid eyes on you, I knew you were the one for me. You've helped me through so much, and I've helped you out too. You can actually put up with me. You also love all the same things I do. You made me a better person and without you I'm incomplete. Will you do me the honor of marrying me?"

The tears slowly slid down both of our faces. He looked up at me with a huge smile. His eyes were the brightest I've ever seen them.

"Yes," I smiled. "Yes Calum yes! I love you so much!" I cried.

We both walked out of the living room into our own room to put our presents away. When we reached our door Calum stopped.

"Oh look mistletoe," Calum smirked, raising some mistletoe over our heads. "Looks like you have to kiss me."

I rolled my eyes and gave him a sweet and passionate kiss.

"Merry Christmas Marlena," Calum smiled.

"Merry Christmas Cal-Pal."

I hope you like it! I thought it was short and sweet. What does everyone think? Feedback?

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