[ EIGHTEEN ] soulmates

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guitarbby 💕:
- are you awake angel

- yeah
- my sleep schedule is so
out of wack
- i wanted to go to bed early
today but my body was like
nope that's not happening
- so here i am

guitarbby 💕:
- i feel that
- i was learning a new song
on my guitar but i lost track
of time and now my brain is
too active to let me fall asleep

- it's almost impossible
for me to go to bed before
12 lmao

guitarbby 💕:
- do you believe in soulmates

- woah that was sudden lol
- i don't believe in them
the way those fanfics you
read at 2 am portray them
- like there's no red string or
- i think there are a few people
in this world that we're destined
to meet
- that can be platonic too

guitarbby 💕:
- i kind of want them to be
- if everyone had a soulmate it
guarantees that at least one
person will love you

- but we don't need some
preconceived notion of soulmates
to know that people love us
- even if 99.9% of people hate you,
at least 7 million don't
- i think that's comforting

guitarbby 💕:
- well it's not like we meet
all 7 billion people on the

- it's just theoretical
- soulmates can be best friends
or parents or lovers
- but i think they can change
- there isn't much we can do
to stop people drifting away
from us

guitarbby 💕:
- but doesn't that scare you

- not really
- it's happened so often
in my life
- i think it's just natural
- you wake up everyday a little
different than the day before
- sometimes two people wake
up different enough that they
realize they're just not right
for each other anymore

guitarbby 💕:
- i wish there was some kind
of guarantee
- it's scary to think that someone
who you love will just stop loving

- there are people who will be
with you your entire life and
people who won't

guitarbby 💕:
- do you think there's a way
to tell if someone will
stay with you forever

- i think so
- if the connection is strong
enough i don't think anything
can break it
- you can lose someone over a
petty fight but you can argue
all you want with your best
friend and they'll still be by
your side
- if they're true friends

guitarbby 💕:
- unless you betray their

- well that's a whole other story
- that's like someone giving you
a piece of themselves and you
throwing it away
- but people who love you
unconditionally will rarely
leave for no reason

guitarbby 💕:
- but it happens sometimes

- yeah
- it does
- but then again those moments
are what make us human too
- happiness can't exist without
sadness like everyone says

guitarbby 💕:
- i usually try to avoid my own
sadness yknow
- i run away from conflict a bit
- which is why i was practically
kicking myself for calling you
a coward when i'm the same way
all the time

- you? a coward???
- you put me in my place when
i was being super annoying
- and you forgave me
- that's not cowardice
- that's courage

guitarbby 💕:
- i didn't really think of it
that way
- i guess i'm quick to assume the

- we can all be pessimists
- i'm just surprised that you felt
bad at all for that situation when
i was the one causing the problem

guitarbby 💕:
- hey now that was in the past
- neither of us need to feel bad
after it already happened

- point taken

guitarbby 💕:
- i was thinking recently
- if you have one soul in one
- are we all just alone in
- does that make sense

- that's interesting
- i feel like there are moments
where our souls cross over
into other people's though

guitarbby 💕:
- what do you mean

- like have you ever been crying
and your best friend hugs you
and you feel like nothing had
even gone wrong
- or when you're laughing with
a big group of people until it feels
like you're literally going to suffocate

guitarbby 💕:
- yeah like nothing else exists
or matters in that moment

- i think that's where we're not

guitarbby 💕:
- i don't feel alone right now

- i don't either
- can souls cross over through
a phone screen?

guitarbby 💕:
- maybe
- if they can i think ours
are doing it right now

- yeah
- i think so too

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