[ TWENTY ] lucky me / part one

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your pov

"mezo, this is so cool!" i said, admiring my face in the mirror of the eyeshadow pallet. my eyes were a mixture of red and black with silver in the inner corners and a sharp wing to top it off, which complimented both my outfit and the red lipstick he had applied. even the blush and highlight was carefully placed, enhancing my features nicely without going overboard.

"it's nothing much," he responded. "i'm just happy to help."

i reached up to give him a hug. shoji's hugs always made me feel safe, partly because of the many arms that could wrap around me but also because i knew he meant each hug he gave.

tokoyami and ojiro were sitting on my bed and messing with a small hawks figurine i had on my desk. he was my favorite hero since childhood, and although i was a little embarrassed at my friends finding out about that, they seemed excited themselves. tokoyami was muttering something about a "bird fusion."

todoroki had gone out to buy boba, though he was taking longer than i expected.

i walked over to the full length mirror i had next to my dresser, admiring the makeup and the outfit altogether. thankfully the weather was mild, so it wouldn't be too hot for the turtleneck or too cold for the skirt. the boots were slightly difficult to walk in due to their three-inch heels, but i was grateful for the extra height. i would just have to watch my step.

i checked my phone. twenty-five minutes until i had to leave.

i threw myself onto the bed next to tokoyami and ojiro, eliciting grumbles from both of them about taking up too much space.

"yeah, yeah, this is my bed anyway," i said in response. they seemed surprised that i heard what they said, but made no move to get up despite their complaints.

i closed my eyes, imagining how the day might unfold. i was hoping ever since the day at the mall that i could hold her hand again.

"passion fruit for y/n, taro for me and shoji, black milk for tokoyami, and strawberry for ojiro," todoroki called, stepping into the room, carrying multiple bags and struggling to hold
up all the cups of bubble tea.

"what's in the bags?" shoji asked, taking the teas from him and distributing them to the rest of us.

i cupped my boba with both hands eagerly, then poked the straw inside as i listened to todoroki's long-winded account of how he needed supplies to repair a chair that broke because deku jumped on it repeatedly.

i couldn't help but chuckle at his story. i'd have to ask deku about it later.

todoroki took a seat at my desk and was observing the same hawks figurine when i heard a knock at my door. i stood up to open the door, but it creaked open by itself to reveal a tall, purple-haired boy with an amused expression on his face.

"what is it now, hitoshi?" i deadpanned, trying to hide how widely i was smiling. i would never admit how happy i was whenever he stopped by my dorm.

shinsou closed the door behind him and set a miniature windup toy on my desk.

"i found this weird thing on the ground outside. it might be cursed," he said, smirking. "so i thought maybe you needed another ghost friend. and look, it's cat-shaped."

he twisted the motor on the back a few times, then watched as the little cat walked a few steps, then promptly rolled over on its side with a thud.

"you know this emo psycho, y/n?" todoroki asked.

"this loser?" i said, pointing to shinsou who was still laughing at the windup toy. "we went to the same middle school. he thinks it's funny to try to curse me with random haunted objects. it hasn't worked yet."

"key word: yet," shinsou added.

tokoyami and ojiro moved to the left of the bed to make room for shinsou to sit down. although the other two seemed relatively tense in his presence, shinsou had made himself at home and barely spared a glance at the rest of my friends in the room.

"isn't your date in less than an hour?" he asked.

"yeah, i'll have to go soon," i said.

shoji seemed to like the windup toy as much as shinsou did. for some reason, no matter how many times he would wind it up, it would only make four or five steps.

"lucky you, y/n, you're gonna have a girlfriend!" shinsou teased.

"let's not get ahead of ourselves. this isn't even really a date."

"isn't a date?" todoroki chimed in. "i haven't been waiting months for you two to get together for you to brush this off as some sort of friendly outing."

"exactly. i have never put on lipstick just to hang out with my friends," tokoyami said.

"toko, you don't have lips," ojiro responded.

"do not remind me," tokoyami groaned, evoking a fit of laughter from dark shadow who had appeared just to make fun of his host.

i checked my watch again.

"all right, i should probably get going. i would let you stay in here, but i feel like all of you would break my room somehow or release whatever devil is sitting in that toy," i said. "thanks for helping me out, all of you."

"no problem," shoji said. the others nodded, even shinsou, who did nothing except potentially bring harmful spirits into my room. i decided not to mention that.

the others found their ways to their own rooms while i walked down the stairs and headed to the main entrance of the dorm. jirou was already waiting, dressed in a short black dress with little silver moon patterns over it and combat boots that had higher heels than mine.

'she's so cute,' i thought, standing at the doorway just to admire her a bit longer. her hair was curled lightly, and she had the stud on  from our impulsive piercing decision at the mall trip earlier.

"y/n?" she said, turning to face me. i jumped at the sound of her voice, unaware that she could see me. i felt my face flush at the thought that she might have noticed my staring.

i walked over to join her, then took her hand in mine.

"ready to go?" i asked.

she smiled. "definitely."

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