[ TWENTY-FOUR ] epilogue

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"wake up, kyo, it's 10 am!" i called, walking over to the bed. jirou was tied up in all the covers and very reluctant to stand up, shaking her head 'no' even without opening her eyes.

i opened the curtains to let the sunlight illuminate our apartment. the city was bustling as usual, with pedestrians and pro heroes alike on the streets. i scanned the crowds for a certain red-and-white-haired boy, who i knew arrived at his hero office (which was just across the street of our apartment complex) everyday at 10 am.

sure enough, i found him sidling through what seemed like an infinite mob to reach the doors of his office, when i quickly opened the window and yelled, "hey, shoto!" at the top of my lungs.

he turned around to find the source of the voice, then spotted me with my head out the window and waved. "good morning, y/n!" he called, and entered his building.

i was hawks's number one sidekick, but oftentimes on fridays he cancelled work unless there was an emergency, since "fridays are for getting drunk and watching tv," as he liked to say.

but although i was off from work for the day, jirou had her own hero office to get to, and gang orca expected her in half an hour.

"kyo," i called again. "if you don't wake up, you don't get any kisses for today."

that seemed to get a reaction out of her, and she shot up in bed and pulled the covers off.

"i'm awake now!" she said, although her croaky voice said otherwise.

i laughed, giving her a kiss on the cheek, and then walked to the kitchen as she started to get dressed.

"i made you soba, is that okay?" i said, handing her a bento box to take to work once she finished getting ready.

she gave me a kiss on my forehead, then a longer, unexpected one on my lips, and said, "that's perfect."

though we had been dating for five years now, i still couldn't help but blush every time she touched me.

"say hi to shoji for me!" i said as she stepped out the door.

"will do. bye!"

"see you later!"

shoji had been working for gang orca with jirou since we graduated. it was nice to have all of my friends so close: todoroki worked on the same block as our apartment, tokoyami and i were both sidekicks for hawks, ojiro lived on the floor below us with hagakure, and shoji lived with tokoyami in an apartment complex not too far from ours. shinsou lived about an hour's drive away, but i still saw him almost every week and he made up for the distance between us by mailing me every cursed toy he could find.

and jirou. we shared an apartment, which meant i got to see her everyday, wake up every morning with her by my side, and fall asleep knowing she's always with me. it was a dream come true.

i dialed tokoyami's number on my phone, knowing he was off from work, too.

"toko, do you wanna get ramen together? i'm hungry and i already finished all that dumb paperwork that hawks gave us."

"yes, sounds great. unfortunately dark shadow says he also wants a bowl, but i can pay for him as well."

i laughed. "tell dark shadow it's on the house from me."

"you don't have to do that, he is just being irritating. do not fall for his charms."

"no, i'll cover it for him. it's my treat, dark shadow."

"it sounds like you like dark shadow more than me."

"um, yeah, obviously."

tokoyami gasped in fake surprise, then started laughing. "right, right. shall we meet at taiko ramen in ten minutes?"

"sounds good, see you then," i said, then hung up the call.

i was unsure whether to put on my hero suit just for a bit of extra publicity, but tokoyami and i were well-known enough to be recognized in regular clothing, and we were stopped by fans at least once a day for autographs or a picture. i never minded. i loved interacting with civilians, because i could show them the real me, away from all the cameras and scripts.

once i found presentable clothing, i put on my shoes and walked out the door, making my way to the elevator.

surprisingly, ojiro was in the lobby, trying to figure out how to open his mailbox again. for some reason, he always had trouble with the key.

"hey, mashirao, do you need help?" i asked.

"i'm okay, just need to turn the key harder."

"i'll leave you to it. are we still on for tomorrow?"

"of course! wouldn't miss it for the world."

i smiled, then waved goodbye. our whole group had planned an outing for tomorrow at the park for a picnic. it was rare that all five of us (tokoyami, shoji, ojiro, shinsou, and me) could hang out together, but it was even more special that our little circle started to expand. ojiro was married now, so hagakure was forever welcome in our group. kaminari tagged along with shinsou, and we always enjoyed his company. the group loved seeing jirou when she came with me, and tokoyami and shoji were always together as per usual. as new people started to enter our lives, the rest of the "edgelord circus" treated them as their own.

i smiled as i walked downtown to the ramen shop. now i could smile everyday, whether for a reason or just because i could.

i was working under my favorite hero, i had all my friends by my side, and the girl i loved most was mine.

angel, you've done well for yourself. and this... is just the beginning.

[ A / N ]

and to you, readers, never lose sight of your goals. it might seem cheesy, but if you work hard and move past all the challenges life can throw at you, you'll find that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. you can make your life our own. thank you all for reading! it means so much to me. and remember: everyone has their own angel. they might not text you from an unknown number unexpectedly and they might not even be a romantic interest, but there are people who will stay by your side forever. they're out there, and you'll find them if you haven't already. never stop looking.

with love, your author.

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