Sudden Fall

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(Glad to see this is something some people want to read)

3rd person pov

A groan left Y/N as he work up, a faint green light could be seen in the corner of vision before hearing a gasp. His eyes opened, landing on Asia as he felt he was laying on a cold metal floor.

Asia: Oh, thank heavens! You're alive

Y/N: Wh-Why wouldn't i be?

Asia: Well...


Y/N: Rip... and... TEAR!

The Fallen in his grasp shook before disappearing, leaving one black feather behind. However the two remaining quickly grabbed their weapons, stabbing the teen through his chest.


Y/N: Oh...

He slowly sat up, raising his left hand to rub his head only to hit it with someone hard and metal making him wince. Looking to it the teen saw his hand up to the elbow was surrounded in some kind of metal cast.

This confused him to no ends, so he tried so get it off only to remember about that weird gauntlet that appeared on his arm. He got up as Asia watched, soon jumping when he banged his arm against the wall.

Asia: I-It won't come off, i've tried

Y/N: I just have to try harder. Give me my arm back!

He slammed the brace against the wall, trying to break it in some way to get his arm free but he stopped when he saw a red light come from it, soon being thrown back making him crash to the floor.

The teen groaned in pain, holding his stomach with his free hand as he felt like someone had thrown a car at him. The nun quickly came over, healing him as the two were confused as to what happened.

Any train of thought they could've had was cut off when the door keeping them inside opened, causing them to look over and see Raynare who had a less then joyful expression.

Y/N: Look, if this is about hurting you... i'm not apologising

Raynare: You are directly responsible for the death of one of the Grigori. I shall hold you to trial. Your sentence will be having your Sacred Gear removed

Y/N: Ooh, i'm so scared. You're gonna take a  glove off my ha-

The teen was swiftly but off when Raynare kicked him across the face making Asia yelp as the Fallen's heel dug into Y/N's temple, grinding it which made him wince and shut his eyes.

Raynare: Be grateful i'm only giving you that as a punishment! When you remove someone's Sacred Gear, it results in their death

Y/N: I de-demand a retrial

Once again she kicked him, her other foot being driven into his ribs which caused him to be thrown into a wall. A weak wheeze escaped Y/N before he coughed, placing a hand over where she hit.

Raynare: Got anything else to say, smart ass?

Y/N: When i'm... done with you, i'm gonna shove this brace where the sun don't shine

Raynare: Hmph. Cute

She turned around, leaving the two locked in the room after shutting the door behind her. Slowly sitting up Y/N grunted but stopped Asia from healing him as he took a deep breath.

After a moment or two the teen lowered his hand from his chest to his lap, needing to rest as the initial pain of being tossed around like a rag doll had disappeared, only leaving slight tremours.

Until It Is Done: Highschool DxD x Male Reader [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now