Rising Threat

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3rd person pov

When Y/N returned to their little safe house, he was met with the three girls. The two nuns weren't as bothered, mostly surprised he was able to leave and come back in relatively good shape.

However Asia didn't share that thought. Although glad he was back safe and sound, she was still upset and mad he just left despite her telling him to stay and heal from his fight.

Y/N: ...I have an excuse. An old man came along and gave me his healing water- that sounds wrong

Asia: Try again then

Y/N: Okay, so the person i originally went to who helped me fix the thing i have, which you're holding onto, came over. I don't know how he knew where i was, or how he knows about all this supernatural stuff... but he does, and gave me something that healed me

Irina: Where'd you go then?

Y/N: The old church. I found out the Fallen who were after us have some of the Excalibur pieces

Xenovia: We know, came across a disgraced member named Freed Selzan. What did you do with it?

Y/N: Well, it kinda broke...

?: That's for the best then

Upon hearing the mysterious voice they all turned, those who had weapons aimed them at who was revealed to be Kiba who held his hands up although had a hostile gaze towards the two pieces of Excalibur.

Y/N: What are you doing here, back for round 2?

Kiba: Afterwards, sure. But Rias Gremory is after you, she's the one who sent the Maruader. She's gone... Rias is different, i don't know what happened

Y/N: Uh huh. And you're telling me this because?

Kiba: You two weren't the first to have an encounter with Freed. I want to help get rid of the Excalibur pieces, and then Y/N and Asia need to leave Kuoh, the Maruader was a Night Sentinel, there's no way you can beat it

Glancing over to the former nun Y/N gestured she hand him the Crucible which she was hesitant to do although she did it anyway. As the teen held it in his hand he looked back to the Devil.

Y/N: You can make swords, so try making this. I-I know it sounds weird, but-

Not letting him finish Kiba tried doing it, his hand reaching to the side in order to make a copy of the Crucible but it failed as a faint outline sparked before disappearing causing him to look to it in confusion.

The teen's hopes were crushed as he sat down and placed it away, the two nuns still holding onto their weapons thanks to Kiba being here but Irina lowered hers, it soon going back into being an arm band.

Irina: You want to help? Fine, but don't tell your King we're here. Servants of the Church operating in Devil territory won't go down well, especially the sister of one of the Satans

Kiba: I wasn't planning to. Y/N, whatever that is, it isn't a normal sword

Y/N: Yeah, i know, it does a whole thing were a glowing blade comes out. I just... i don't have a way to make it do that

Slowly Asia stepped over, placing her hands just above Y/N's hand that held the Crucible. This caused curiosity to swell up in the teen as she began to use her Sacred Gear on it, green light coming from her hands.

The colour began to change halfway, going from green to orange before going red. They all watched in confusion before Asia collapsed so Y/N quickly grabbed her, panic evident in his expression.

As he checked on her, trying to see if she was okay the Crucible began to glow red on a portion, the Mark of the Beast appearing when the hilt of it popped out before going back to a dormant state.

Until It Is Done: Highschool DxD x Male Reader [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now