Pure Might

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3rd person pov

?: You were never one of us. You are nothing but a Usurper, A false idol... My eyes have been opened. Let me help you to see, Slayer

Asia: What's he talking about?

Y/N: I-I don't know, but we need to go

Asia: But-


The demon flicked his arm down, a glowing red blade appearing on his axe which he dragged along the ground. Suddenly he dashed forward, going to swing on Y/N who just managed to catch his attack.

However their power struggle was in no way fair, the teen easily being overpowered before being kicked in the stomach and through the wall. Landing in the hall way outside he saw a gun being aimed at him.

Rolling out the way he summoned his own sacred gear, having his back against the wall only for the Demon's arm to shoot through it and wrap around his neck, yanking him through.

As he fell by his feet Y/N's chest was stepped on, causing him to wheeze but he created a gun and fired up at the Demon only for it to be blocked when a translucent red shield appeared on his forearm.

The blade sprung out his arm, going to stab the Demon in the leg so he hopped backwards, allowing the teen to get up who flinched before holding his head although that faded as he slowly got to his feet.

Y/N: Demon... must kill you... must- Rip and Tear!

His head flicked up before he charged at the Demon only to be met by a orange spectral wolf which bit down into his arm, keeping him in place but a look unfitting the teen's regular mannerisms appeared on his face.

Y/N: Down Fido!

Punching through it the spectre disappeared and he ran back at the Demon who raised his shield in defence, blocking his strike so Y/N grabbed the sides of it and began to push him back towards the window.

As the Demon's feet skidded against the floor he desummoned the shield and spun out the way, going to boot the teen in the back who turned just to uppercut him, soon grabbing his head in both hands.

Headbutting him once Y/N grabbed him by the horns and kneed him in the stomach, so the Demon countered by elbowing him in the face, quickly swinging with his axed he cut across the teen's chest.

Y/N: Who's a man and a half? I'm a man and a half! Beserker packing man and a half! There's nothing wrong with you that i can't fix, with my hands!

Placing his hand against his chest he saw the blood from the cut but just shook his head and looked back to the Demon who swung, making some kind of energy wave come out that Y/N dodged.

However this caused him to be charged into, making him skid back but he grabbed the door frames to stop himself, the almost crazed look never leaving his face as he stood back up straight.

Dodging the wolf that appeared once again he grabbed it by the tail, using it as a club that he smacked the Demon with. Soon getting behind him he tackled him, busting through wall after wall.

They got close to the stair well which made the Demon plant his axe in the teen's back, causing him to jolt it pain but he continued, shoving him down the stair well, soon yanking the axe out and dropping it.

Y/N: I'm the man, i'm a bad man! How bad? Real bad! I'm a 12.0 on the 10.0 scale of badness! Don't need guns, guns are for wusses!

He went to turn around by fell to his knees, panting heavily as this crazed state seemed to wear off and his Sacred Gear disappeared. Behind him a pale hand grabbed the ledge, the Demon climbing back up.

Until It Is Done: Highschool DxD x Male Reader [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now