Chapter 5

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Filthy? Why would he say that?

Izuku sat confused in the floor looking at the outstretched hand. He didn't want to take it because it was wrong! The world was beautiful!

Especially the heroes and the blonde, Kacchan who's soft caramel scent had seeped in his shirt.

Knocking the hand aside, Izuku stood up and smiled.

"I will take your offer just to prove that you are wrong. I'll show you that this world is really beautiful!"

His smile was still so bright that it made the man smirk, this was going to be interesting.

With that, the purple black mist surrounded Izuku again and he was plopped back onto a chair.

"Izuuuuuuu" Toga threw herself at the boy and he pushed her off, he wasn't planning to stay for long. He didn't want to get friendly with these... murderers...

"Izuuuu! Why did you do that?" Toga whined as she poked his cheek. " I'm Himiko Toga!" She persisted trying to piss him off, " but you can call me Toga".

She then took out a knife from nowhere and started to slide the blunt side along Izuku's face, and Izuku only then started to freak out a little.

"We're going to be very close Izu, so that's why you can call me T-."

That did it, he grabbed her wrist and pulled the knife away from his face and glared right into her eyes.

"I am not going to be friends with people who killed my mother."

He squeezed his little fists and let go before turning to Kurogiri. "That man said he'll show me how the world really is. Can he show me now? I really don't want to be here anymore."

Kurogiri nodded as the man behind the screen smirked, it was just as he planned.

A voice then suddenly came into Izuku head. "Okay then child, here will be your little test. I'll show you that not even the closest people actually care about you if you're weak. You'll be cast aside, unwanted. And even if you're strong. You'll be rejected. Heroes and people don't help you.

I'll show you that in this society, you can only trust yourself."

With that, Izuku was swallowed by the mist once again and when he opened his eyes, he found himself at the park.

He thought about the man's words and wondered what they meant. He decided to push down the nagging feeling in his stomach and walked around, admiring the flowers before settling by a tree.

At that moment, he heard am explosion and he turned to see Katsuki stomping towards him, his fluffy blonde hair was extra floof today.

"So what's your quirk Deku?" He asked sitting next to Izuku like he always did. " Is it powerful like mine yet? It has to be or else how are you going to be my sidekick when we be heroes?"

Izuku was about to talk about his quirk when he realized that Katsuki had no idea what had happened to him the night before. Did he not know? Or was he pretending? Or...did he just not care...

Wanting to talk, he remembered the words from that man. Surely Kacchan wouldn't toss him aside for being weak? He has a quirk but...

"Kacchan I-I... I'm... quirkless..." He crossed his fingers behind his back and waited for an answer.

His bad feeling came up again and he looked at up at Katsuki with a hopeful look.

"You're... quirkless?"

Katsuki stood still as he stared wide eyed at Izuku.

" That can't be a hero..."

He shook his head as if he couldn't accept it. " You're not my sidekick... you're.... weak."

His fists tightened as he looked away, not looking for eye contact.

"Stupid Deku..."

Izuku started to lose hope as the words started to sink in.

"You're weak."

Wait...this isn't right...

"But Kacchan! I can still be a hero! I can still be you're sidekick right? I-I...I got a quirk! Please believe me Kacchan I-"

" STOP!" Katsuki interrupted Deku's plea and turned his back on him. "You can't be a hero if you're weak. The weak can't do anything but cry and wait for help." He started to stomp off leaving Izuku to sit by the tree himself.

That's it...

Izuku's eyes watered as he realized those words from that man were true... He was just... abandoned...

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