This is home

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Dekuverse-this is home

"What does that mean" Denki asked while eating his goldfish. "Can't say, I can give a description though" Lynx said. "That's fine" Mr. Aizawa said along with some other students. "Well you see in this universe Izuku is a girl named Izumi and goes through some hardships, there are some LGBTQ+ phobia and one swear word in this so if you get uncomfortable you can go to the panic room" Lynx said

The screen faded from a black to a closeup of a girl she had green hair, and beautiful green forest eyes. It zoomed out she was looking in the mirror in her room. She was covered in cuts and bruises clearly not from herself. "Izumi get you ass down here now" a man yelled. She cringed at the sound of the name.

"Why is she cringing?" Midnight asked. "You'll see" Emery said.

Then music in the. Background started, 'often I am upset, that I cannot fall in love but I guess....' she thought. And image of her father beating her. 'This avoids the stress of falling out of it' she thought again, the screen fading black with a white silhouette of a girl with a broken heart in the middle. It fades to the girl talking to Iida and Uraraka "are you tired of me yet" she said. 'I'm a little sick right now, but I swear when I'm ready I will fly us out of here' she thought to herself, while trying to listen to her friends.

"Why would she ask that?" Inko said clearly worried.
"Just watch you'll see" Emery said

Izumi is standing in front of the mirror again, frowning while looking at herself, she's holding scissors. "I'll cut my hair" she said as she cut her hair to look more masculine. The hair fell to the ground as you could see the silhouette of a person in the background 'to make you stare' she thought the silhouette of the person now visible, it was her mom.
"Why is his mom just standing there what happened to her?" Mina and momo asked. "I don't know just watch" emery said getting a little pissed.
"I'll hide my chest" she said covering her chest and putting on a hoodie.  "And I'll figure out s way to get us out of here" she whispered to herself.
She is seen walking in the school halls with everybody staring and talking about him the only people with him are Uraraka and Iida faking a smile around him, "turn off your porcelain face" he says, Iida and Uraraka drop their smiles. "I can't really think right now I'm this place" 'there's too many colors to drive all of us insane' "are you dead" Uraraka and Iida said in unison. 'Some times I think I'm dead, cause I can feel ghosts and gules rapping my head..... but' he  thought "I don't wanna fall asleep just yet" he said.
"We would never say or do that" Iida and Uraraka said in unison by now Denki was crying.
The screen shows a close up of his face he has dark green eyes with no pupils. 'I'll figure out a way to get us out of here' he thought.
It changes to at school "get a load of this monster, he doesn't  know how to communicate" Iida said in a mocking tone, "his mind is in a different place, will everybody please give him a little bit of space" Bakugou said walking up to Izuku. "Get a load of this train reck, his hairs a mess and he doesn't know who he is yet" Uraraka said in a mocking tone "but little does he know the stars welcome him with open arms" Bakugou said. "Oh" Izuku said in a confusing realization. It then showed Izuku getting happier with his new friend, 'time is...' Bakugou thought, with a light blush around Izuku '.....slowly.....' Izuku though. 'Tracing his face....' they said both blushing. 'But strangely he feels at home in this place' they both thought again when the screen is zooming out of a black screen with a white silhouette of them kissing. The screen then fades to black indicating the universe stoped playing.
"What did you guys think" Lynx said. "It was interesting/good" everybody but Bakugou said. Little did nobody notice Bakugou had a light blush on his cheeks, 'I still have hope' he thought. "Ok onto the next universe" Emery said sounding tired.
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