Meeting the Zoosters and A Search Begins

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Even though I got rid of that horrid owl, I was shocked about one thing: the lion could talk!

"Are you alright, kid? You look like you've seen a ghost."

I stepped back away from the talking feline, creeped out. "This is a crazy dream! Lions can't talk!"

"In person they don't, but behind you humans' backs, that's different. You seem to be the first human to hear a lion talk."

I thought this over, getting a little calmer. "You have a point there. You seem to be nice from saving my life earlier."

"That was some experience getting rid of that owl. We were this close." The lion tried to compliment me. "That light switch was fast thinking from you. What's your name, kid?"

Still a little puzzled, I introduced myself. "I'm Breana. Do you have a name?"

The lion introduced himself. "I'm Alex."

"By the way, you've met The Duke before?" I asked. The lion was a bit upset even hearing the name. "That was my first time, but he's certainly not a friend of mine. Ever since he caused the flood, my friend and I have been trying to get rid of The Duke for days."

"Friends"? I just noticed he mentioned that. "You mean ... other lions?"

"Well not exactly other lions." He mentioned. "You see, my friends are....a lion's prey."

"What other prey?" I wondered, but before he could answer, we heard another voice from above. "Alex! You in here, buddy?" It was a zebra, galloping in the ceiling. "Who's she?" He looked at me curiously.

I was amazed by this. "Alex, you mean to tell me your friend is a zebra?" "Of course," he boasted a bit. "Is that a problem?" asked his zebra friend

I tried not to offend him. "No, no, no. I don't find this wrong, but I didn't expect that your friend is a zebra."

Alex presented him to me. "Breana, this is my best friend, Marty. Marty, this is Breana."

"Nice to meet you, Marty." I was pleased to meet him and comfortable while his hoof shook my hand.

"Nice place you got here," he said as he looked around.

Another voice came from above. "Is The Duke gone yet?"

"You can come in now, Melman. He's gone!" shouted Marty. I became speechless the minute I looked up. "Who's Melma... Oh, my word." It was neck and head of a tall giraffe. "That's Melman," Alex pointed at the hole of the ceiling. "Melman, this is Breana."

"Hi there," he said with a little hesitation. "Sorry if I made you a little uncomfortable. I didn't know that Alex would also have a giraffe for a friend, not that I find that a problem or anything." I said that to make him better. That seemed to help.

"You seem ni... ow!" he was cutted off by a tug by his tail. "You ok?" I asked. "Yeah. Just letting Gloria get to the roof," He said.

"Gloria? Friend of yours?" I asked with a smile. "Of course," He proudly admitted. As he lowered his neck down to the floor, a hippo was able to shimmy down his neck and into the house. "The rain is terrible out there," she said with a little anger, but it soon melted away when she saw me. "Why hello there, sweetie" She greeted with a smile. "Let me guess," I said raising an eyebrow. "Alex's friend, too?" With a handshake and a "yes," that answered my question.

"This mate you mentioned, who is she" I wondered. "That would be the one that shook your hand," he said with a smile. I couldn't believe it. His mate? A hippo? I thought covering my laugh. She started to glare while raising an eyebrow. "Is there a problem with that?" I noticed she wasn't kidding. I tried to stop laughing and got serious. "No. Not one at all," I said knowing that she had big spunk. I liked that.

"You were all looking for The Duke?" I asked to them.

"That's right," Marty mentioned. "He's the source of this everlasting storm."

"We thought we could find the secret to end this storm," Gloria told me.

"Source of the everlasting storm? Secret to end the storm?" Something new came to me. "Guys, I'll be right back. I think I know the answer."

I ran to the attic and down with the book of The Book of Chanticleer in my hand.

"What's that?" asked Alex.

"It's a storybook I use to read when I was little. The Duke in the book in the same Duke Alex and I met. The story is about a singing rooster, Chanticleer, who can raise the sun. When he got in a fight from a stranger of The Duke, it distracted him from crowing. It convinced Chanticleer that his crow never raised the sun when it came up without him. He left his farm to go to the city. That's how the story ended. Maybe the storybook is real. The characters are real, as well. My own childhood story was and is real all along!"

The quartet of the quadrupeds was shocked by this astonishment.

"The Duke was the source of the storms the whole time," I said to myself. The others soon had an idea.

"If there's a source of a storm," explained Marty.

"There's a source of sunshine," said Melman.

"If The Duke is the source of the storm," finished Gloria.

"Then Chanticleer is the source of the sun," Alex concluded.

I soon thought it over. "Since no one can find the way to stop the sun, then we'll find it ourselves. We'll head to the city and find Chanticleer. If we find him, the sun will shine again and the world will be out of the flood." Something also came up, which made me a little upset. "I hope this will help me find my grandparents and aunt."

"Where are they now?" Melman asked?

"That's the problem. When I woke up from a thunder, they've somehow disappeared."

"For some reason, they must have driven somewhere," Alex tried to conclude.

"Not at this time of the night. Beside, their cars are right there," I said pointing at the cars that were now underwater.

"Maybe they'll return when we find Chanticleer," Gloria said holding my hands to make me happy.

"You think so?" I asked her "We know so," she said to me.

"I have one question: How did you guys get here anyway?" I asked them. "There's a boat we found a few hours ago. That's how we got here," Marty said.

I started to have faith in myself. "Then it's official. We're going to find Chanticleer together." The other couldn't agree more.

At that moment, we noticed creaking noise from the window. They started to shatter and flood came pouring into the house and splashed us under water. As we emerged for air, we managed to get through the ceiling and onto the roof. In the rain, we jumped into the boat and set up the sails.

We were now heading on a big journey to find the rooster. I looked on the long, flooded river. "Next stop: the city!"

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