Them or You, Hunch

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Meanwhile at the Duke's lair, The Duck was hatching more plans and more storms with his magical organ and book of sorcery to stop us from entering the city. Little does he know that we already found the city. Suddenly Hunch came back from the sabotage and swooped in from the roof and rammed through the concoctions and onto the book.

"Uncle Dukey! Uncle Ducky! I got them." Before he could finish, The Duke slammed the opened book on him and said one thing to himself. "If I kill my nephew, would that be murder or charity."

In a flash, Hunch busted out of the book. "I got them, I really got them. No more girl, sir. Mission accomplished," Hunch saluted.

"And those four mangy animals?" questioned The Duke.

"Gone. Wiped out, sir," Hunch said with glee. "Total and complete annihilation."

The Duke was completely pleased to hear the news. "Annihilation. Oh, yes. How did you do it?" The Duke anticipated anxiously.

Hunch chuckled goofy. "Adequately."

The Duke was starting to get confused. "What's that suppose to mean?"

The Hunch tried to explain. "Well, uncle, we sucked them into an adequate pipe."

"A what?" The Duke asked, getting tested.

Hunch was trying to make it clear "Well that's what it said. 'Danger: Adequate pipe.'"

The Duke was getting the message. "Dear Hunch, come to uncle."

Hunch was starting to get relieved until The Duke got furious. "You imbecile! That's not an adequate pipe. It's and aqueduct pipe! it leads straight into the city!" Luckily, each of The Duke's spells missed Hunch every time The Duke strikes his spells. "The Duke gives you one last chance, Hunch. Them or you." With one last spell in his wing, it still missed Hunch, but not the wall. "Get to the city!"

Hunch was now filled with hesitations. "Oh, not the city, sir. Oh, no. It's too bright. I'll go blind."

The Duke handed him a pair of sunglasses. "Oh, say it isn't so."

Hunch now had no choice, but to find us in the city.

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