Going home or Mental hospital?

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This chapter may be triggering please skip if you are easily triggered. I don't think it's THAT bad but it might be. Please just be careful!

I love you for those who read and those who vote and comment and send love (or even hate)

You guys are amazing and I'm working on the next chap. >.<

Sorry REALLY busy with some programs I'm in and now I'm applying for jobs.. >.< It's hard but I promise to write more okay? I Love you all! <33



  " Hey babe we are going to miss our lunch date with your mom if you don’t get up.” Niall whispered lightly into my ear.

  I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him onto my bed. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around me. He kissed my nose and Reina let out a light Awh. I leaned on my arm and looked at her. “I didn’t even know you were still in here too. Where is Miya?”

  She shrugged, “You two are so cute and as for Miya. Harry took her out for the day she told me to tell you to call when you’re up.”

  I nodded and got out of my bed. Niall left my room so I could change. I decided to go with a black Paramore shirt and some jeans. I brushed my hair and Reina braided it. I walked into the living room after thanking her. My mom and Niall seemed to be in a very serious conversation until I got closer. My mom looked up and smiled but Niall looked over and his eyes looked worried and scared. I walked over to them and took his hand. He kissed it then opened the door for my mom and me.  “So where am I treating you ladies today?” Niall offered.

  I shrugged and his arm went around my waist. My mom shrugged and pointed to a random restaurant. He nodded in approval. “I love it there sounds good to me how about you babe?”

  I shrugged again and we started towards a little corner restaurant. It was a cute little hot dog place. As we ordered my mom looked at Niall, “So you want me to ask her?”

  I looked at my mom than at Niall. He sighed and nodded. So she asked, “Will you come home for a couple weeks? Your brothers miss you and the rest of the family misses you. Your cousin in getting married and they really want you there.” Then she turned to Niall, “He also would like to know how much it would cost for One Direction to play a song or two.”

  I squeezed Niall hand and nodded, “I would love too if the boys and Miya get to come with. Reina goes home in two days anyways. When is it and who is getting married?!”

  She smiled, “Your cousin Ryan.”

  I nodded and couldn’t stop smiling. Then Niall cleared his throat, “I don’t know if the boys are going to want to preform but I’ll talk to them and we can make an arrangement or something. Do they have a song of choice?”

  My mom smiled and thanked him. She didn’t know which song was wanted though. “It’s in a week from today actually. Will you guys be able to make it?”

  Niall nodded, “Yeah we have a mini concert, a radio show, and Ellen in the next week. Ellen is in a couple of days so we will be in the USA anyways. I’ll talk to everyone see what they think.”

  I kissed him and he smiled. My mom looked at me, “So you’re happy here?”

  I grinned and nodded, “Very happy.” She smiled, “I’m glad but don’t forget about us okay?”

  I nodded and then we ate some food. I have no idea what I was eating but it tasted really good. Niall ordered it for me. The rest of the day went really well and my mom had to leave in less than 5 hours so we went to her guest room. She packed and spent the last two hours before we dropped her off at the airport with me. Porkchop was all over her. She wanted to take him with her but I refused because I sleep with him still. She nodded.

It started with a stupid hat! (Niall Horan.)Where stories live. Discover now