Chapter 34

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The three of them finally began their journey out of the city walls. Of course, Mikky was not excited to have to carry more of her things now that Star was gone though Akeno happily offered to carry her own weight.

Mikky was carrying the magic satchel while Akeno and Shiva carried food and supplies along. Their bags were a bit bulkier, though it didn't seem to really bother either of them. Akeno especially. The Fox diety didn't seem to care for the fact she was a little weighted down. If anything she seemed happier that she was now carrying her own weight.

The road was going to be long and tedious as they had a lot of ground to cover. Thankfully they didn't seem to be on a timelimit, and if they were trying to beat Alice to Sarah then they were likely making very good time as the vampire was sleeping soundly a few towns over. Mikky's visions didn't seem to be rushing her in any way which she was grateful for. Whatever affliction her family may have had it was clearly not affecting Sarah to the same extent. She was not turning into a tree and if anything she seemed like she was perfectly content to bury her nose in a book and not worry about it.

Mikky's visions were both cryptic and detailed. They gave her pointless information while avoiding the important bits. She knew that Alice wasn't in a rush, but she didn't know exactly where she was. She knew she was a few towns away from the distance she could see in the vision, but she did not know exactly where. Therefore they did not have a good estimate on how long it would take her to get there. Though she assumed it really didn't matter.

They set up camp an hour or so after sundown, where Akeno disappeared into the brush and returned with a fat bird which Mikky promptly began cooking for them. Akeno attempted to cook a mushroom, but Mikky warned against eating that particular kind. Shiva was grateful for the advice.

"You're a nature god and you don't know the difference between a poisonous mushroom and a edible one?" Mikky raised an eyebrow at the Goddess sitting across the fire pit.

"My body is not often affected by poisons. I've never had a problem eating such things." The fox crossed her arms over her chest.

"Well we do. I'd rather not spend the rest of this trip with food poisoning." The cat retorted.

"Perhaps you simply need to develop a tollerance for it. You should eat a small amount and-"

"No, that's not how it works. That mushroom basically turns your insides out and can cause problems in the future as well. There is no 'tollerance' that you can get from it other than death."

"Don't be dramatic."

Mikky rolled her eyes as Shiva chuckled a bit, poking the fire with a stick. "I suppose I should be grateful for the company. You two are pretty entertaining."

"We get along well enough." The cat answered, her tail swaying across the ground behind her a bit as she watched Akeno pull a leg off the bird.

"We have no greens or vegetables to go with our meat tonight."

"I brought a few apples." Mikky narrowed her eyes.

"Apples do not go well with chicken." The fox stated, matter of factly as her tail swished playfully.

"Beggers can't be choosers."

"I'm not begging for anything. I was simply stating an observation."

"And I offered you a solution."

"I'm not sure whether or not I should be impressed by your ability to argue." Shiva laughed again. "But I must say, I am enjoying it."

"If you have need of vegetables I can go looking for something edible in the woods. I can't promise they'll be something you're looking for, after all I'll be hard pressed to find a farm out here." Mikky rolled her eyes.

The Fox and The Cat (Lesbian Story, Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now