First Day

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Charlie's POV

I woke up. "Ughhhh I don't want go to school", I mumbled. I sat up on the bed as I thought of all the possible ways the day can go wrong. I got up to seeing one of my neighbors arguing with another woman. I'm not gonna lie but.....she fine. I proceeded to the bathroom and took a quick shower then got dressed quickly and hopped in the car. "Shit", I said as noticed I needed gas. I made a quick detour to get some gas and as soon as I pulled up on campus I knew I was late so I ran to class.

As soon as I got in the door I felt all eyes on me but I didn't look up. "Why are you late?", said a very familiar voice. I looked up and to my's my neighbor. "Car troubles", she looked at me with a frown then continued. "Hey guys I'm your music teacher, my name is Demetria Lovato but just call me Demi". I swear she is so hot. I felt myself staring for the whole class but I stopped once she looked up and smiled at me. The bell rang and I was on my way out but then I felt a hand on my shoulder, I already knew it was her. "Can I help you", I said turning around. "You were zoned out this class, I was wondering if you were okay". "I'm fine as long as you're here", I looked up and saw her blushing...wait did I say that out loud....oops. I ran out the door before she could say anything. I continued the day and went home. I laid on my couch and watched movies all night then suddenly I heard a knock at the door. "I'm coming!", I yelled. I ran to the door to see who it was. "Hey". Demi?!?!

A/n: I just wanted to try and write a story.....I may not continue this....It depends.

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