---AU- During Total Drama World Tour
I sat on the pretty run down plane, resting my head on my boyfriend, Noah's, shoulder while listening to music in my earbuds. We hadn't won the last challenge, so we were stuck in the shitty part of the plane. I felt someone staring at me, and turned around to see who it was. I rolled my eyes when I saw who it was. Alejandro. The man that had been tricking all of the girls in this competition. And I wouldn't be next. I have a boyfriend. A loving, loyal, amazing boyfriend. And unlike Bridgette, I wouldn't flirt with anyone who isn't my significant other.
Even a pole.
I was never close to Bridgette, and I'm glad she's gone. Any competition that gets out of my way is great for me. I plan to bring Noah and Gwen with me to the final 3. No alliance needed. Gwen is my friend, and Noah is my boyfriend, so he's obviously coming with me. It's been hard without Duncan here. Whenever I would have any problems, we would talk about it and listen to music together. Now I'm basically alone. Sure, I have Noah. And I love him. But we can't talk like I did with Duncan.
I miss him...but I know he'll be okay. Him and I survived juvie together. And when this whole damn thing is over, and I win the million, we can move out together with Noah and Courtney and all live in an amazing house. A beach house, to be exact. Noah and I will have a lovely room with a grand window, facing the water where we can watch the sunset. In the room over, Courtney and Duncan could have their room. Noah and I will help them decorate, and life will be perfect.
I continue to day dream when I feel Noah tap me on the shoulder, informing me that he has to use the bathroom. I nod, smiling as I sit up, starting to lean back into the plane's dusty walls. As Noah walks away, Alejandro puts his arm behind me. "No princesa should have to touch a wall as nasty as that." He says to me, smiling. I smile back at him, standing up as he does the same. I lean in, beginning to ready myself to kiss the tan boy. He leans in also, and just before our lips touch.
I kneed him where the sun doesn't shine and he groans. I lean down to him and say, "I have a fucking boyfriend, creep." I sit back down, leaning against the wall and putting my leg up on the seat where he had sat before, taking up all the space. The teen boy groans, walking away and sitting on the opposite side of the plane. I smirk, seeing Noah return from the bathroom.
"Ready for another day of this shit?" I ask him. He nods and smiles. I smile back and kiss him. "I love you."
"Love you too."
im back! sorry about the short update, but im back and the next chapter will be much longer!