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In which a love morally forbidden by society becomes to potent to ignore.
"I love you, Eden."
"I love you, Huxley."
Previously titled 'White Ca...
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I sighed and rested back in my hospital bed after the nurse left the room with my blood. I rubbed my arm softly, the one where she took my blood and bit my lip. It was getting a little cold.
God, I hated hospitals.
I just wanted to go home and lay in bed all day with my handsome boyfriend and watch movies with my best friend. Kind of complicated since my boyfriend is my best friend's dad.
I was just so grateful that Gracie hasn't ditched me. I was surprised she hasn't, to be honest. I looked up at Gracie and smiled. She looked back at me and returned the smile before looking down at her dad, mouthing, 'talk to him, as she pointed to my boyfriend. My eyes fell onto Huxley and I watched as he held my hand in his while he played with my fingers. I smiled and squeezed his hand, making him look up at me.
"I love you," I smiled, gazing up into his chocolate pearls. I had never meant anything more.
He returned the smile and leaned forward, placing a kiss on my lips. "I love you more Eden." Huxley sighed. "You scared me today, Eden."
I looked down and bit my lip, "I'm sorry, baby. I didn't mean to. I don't even know what happened. One minute I was okay and the next I wasn't."
"I know," Huxley placed a kiss on each of my knuckles. The soft display of affection splayed my body with warmth and spine-tingling sparks. His touch brought me comfort. "And that's what terrified me so much. I saw you drop and everything around me stopped." Tears filled his eyes and I frowned. "I hated it, Eden. I hated it so much."
"I'm so sorry. If I could never get sick, I would." I smiled cutely, getting emotional myself and Huxley laughed.
He squeezed my hand and smiled, his dimples showing. "You are so adorable, Eden."
Gracie groaned and scrunched her face up, "Y'all are so disgusting." She teased.
Huxley shook his head and laughed, "Don't you have a boyfriend?"
Gracie looked at me accusingly, raising her eyebrows as she crossed her arms. My eyes widened and I raised my hands in surrender, "I said fuck all."
Huxley sat up straight and furrowed his eyebrows, "Wait, wh—"
The door opened and the doctor walked in, "Hello, everyone." I smiled at the lady and sat up in the bed. She looked at Huxley and Gracie, "Would the two of you mind waiting outside? I need to talk to Miss Abrell alone for a minute."
Huxley looked at me and I nodded, smiling softly. He stood up and walked out of the room, Gracie following behind him. I looked up at the doctor, confused. I shook my head and rubbed the back of my neck, "Uh, I'm sorry. I don't know your name."
"I'm Doctor Adler," The woman laughed and smiled at me. I nodded and returned the smile. "Miss Abrell, were you aware that you're pregnant?"
My jaw dropped slightly as I stared at her, "What?"
"I take it you were not," She said. I ignored her as my eyes darted around the room.
Holy shit. I can't be.
"How? I'm on the pill," I groaned. "They fail sometimes right?"
"They do," She nodded, shrugging softly.
I look up at Doctor Adler, "How far along am I?"
"Just over two weeks," She said, looking down at her clipboard.
So, the first time Huxley and I had sex at my house, I got knocked up.
"It's part of the reason you fainted today." Doc looked up from her clipboard and directed her gaze towards me.
I furrowed my eyebrows, "Part of?"
"We ran some tests and your blood sugar was low. Did you maybe skip a meal today or..." She trailed off on the question and I nodded. I didn't eat lunch. "Stress is also a factor to take into consideration. Being around people or events that cause you to stress, along with low blood sugar and the hormones that come with being pregnant, can be the cause of some women fainting. It's alright. It's perfectly normal. You just have to get your blood sugar levels back up, keep away from stressful things and you'll be right as rain."
I sighed and ran my hands over my hair before bringing them down in front of my lips, resting my thumbs under my chin. "Wow."
"I take it you're keeping the baby?" She smiled as she asked.
I nodded. "Yeah," My hands fell into my lap, my eyes slightly wide from shock.
"Well, we'll need to get you on prenatal vitamins right away. I'll write up a prescription for you and then you can sign your discharge papers at the counter." The doctor said and I nodded, still caught up in the fact that I'm pregnant.
I'm pregnant.
Holy shit, I'm pregnant with Huxley's baby.
"Um," I spoke just as she was about to leave. She turned around and smiled, raising her brows kindly. "Could you tell Huxley to come in, please?"
She nodded, "Of course." She left the room, closing the door behind her. I blew out a breath and ran my fingers through my hair, stopping and holding it at the back.
What's he going to think? Is he going to be angry? As shocked as I am? Happy? Oh God, what if-
"Hey," Huxley's velvety voice ripped me out of my thoughts. His eyes were worried and he watched his movement around me as if I was made of China and moments away from breaking. I laughed and shook my head, grabbing his hand, "Sit. We need to talk." He nodded and sat in the uncomfortable looking chair but he paid no mind to it. He kept his full attention on me.
"What's wrong?" He asked before he started rambling. "Are you sick? Do they need to keep you in the hospital? Do more tests? Are we okay? Are you breaking up with me?" I raised my hand, my index finger out telling him to stop.
"And here I thought Gracie got her dramatic streak from her mum," I looked at him teasingly. Huxley blushed slightly and it made me smile all the more. The adorable strawberry tint in his cheeks made my heart swell. I loved having this effect on him. It made me love him more than humanly possible. "If you would calm down for a moment I can tell you what the doctor told me."
"Why isn't Gracie in here?" He asked turning his head to the door before looking back at me.
"What I'm about to tell you is what you need to know," I stared at him, blinking gently. "Because it involves us and only us."
"Okay," Huxley nodded. "What's going on, Eden?" He was curious. It was in his eyes, his gorgeous chocolate eyes that I loved so much. The eyes that could easily melt my willpower on the spot.
"Eden?" He flipped our hands, so he was holding mine instead of me holding his. "What'd she tell you, stunning?" I smiled small and loosely bit my lip before blowing out a nervous breath, squeezing his hands.