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"i cant believe you just did that." lisa panted softly as she ran her fingers through her somewhat damp hair.

chaeyoung let out a small giggle, her lips a bright cherry red along with them being slightly swollen. "well believe it."

"i don't think i've ever come that fast in my entire life." lisa shook her head as she sat down on one of the stools, setting her hands on chaeyoung's waist as she got in between her legs.

chaeyoung let out a small giggle and smiled up at lisa. "now you believe me?"

"hell yeah, i do. you're such an innocent slut, i feel so attacked. if i knew this earlier, you'd be in my bed screaming my name."

"now that's why i didn't tell you." chaeyoung playfully rolled her eyes. "and messing around with you was so much fun."

lisa rolled her eyes and softly rubbed chaeyoung's sides, suddenly thinking about what jisoo had told her. "hey, are you maybe free saturday?"

chaeyoung playfully rose an eyebrow. "i'm not about to have a one night stand."

"no, no, not that. although that would be hot. but that's not the point. i actually wanna take you out on a date. an actual one, no sexual puns or actions, just an actual date."

chaeyoung smiled slightly and let out a small giggle when lisa looked a little nervous. "pick me up around 6." chaeyoung smiled and pressed a small kiss to lisa's cheek before making her way into the employee's room.

lisa smiled widely as she lightly pressed her fingertips to the spot where chaeyoung had kissed her. "fuck yes!"

but lisa quickly shut her mouth when hearing chaeyoung yell from the employee's room.

"don't swear!"

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