Chapter : 13

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Go for it *Susan said while smiling at him*

Susan, I want to meet her as Edward and not as Eric, last time we met I was wearing a mask and I've had my lenses on as well.
Can you please help me to Disguise myself.*Eric asked her*

Don't you think it's deception?*Susan asked him*
Eric paused a for a while and said

"I have no other choice right now"

With fake beard and moustache, with a little bit of makeup and lenses, Susan helped Eric with his disguise.
No one has ever seen Eric with a beard before, he was looking like a complete stranger to Susan. He wore the same deep blue lenses he was wearing the last time he met Autumn as Edward.

He went downstairs with his diary.

It was 2 Am, not even a single being was there in the park even the guards asked him what he was doing there as his disguise made him look suspicious.

I'm working on a story and I need space so I came here *He said politely *

Okay, you know, this job makes everything suspicious*The guard said and chuckled*

I understand sir *He said and walked towards the same bench he chose the last time he was there*

Time was passing by, slower than usual. Eric looked at his clock and then looked around.
He started walking around and then again sat down on the bench.
It was getting harder for him to kill his time.

Did she arrive?*Susan texted him*

Not yet*He texted back*

It's 3 Am Eric*Susan texted him*

I know, don't worry I'll be back soon*He texted her back*


Autumn changed her clothes after taking a shower.
She went to bed and checked her phone for the last time.
It's been a while since she went to sleep but the sounds of the curtains caused by the breeze were disturbing her.
She got up and started closing the windows one by one as there were 3 windows in her hotel room.
Just before closing the last window, she saw someone sitting on the bench of that park.
She looked at the wall clock it was nearly 4 Am in the morning.
She rubbed her eyes and noticed that it was the same guy she met the night before Eric's Concert.

She could have gone back to sleep but she couldn't help herself from thinking about him, thinking about the fact that it was 4 Am in the morning and what that guy was doing sitting alone in the park.
She decided to go downstairs in her nightdress and slippers.

Good morning ma'am *The guards wished her*
Morning! Morning! *she smiled and walked towards the Park*

You were right Susan, she might not be at the hotel right now.
I'm coming back *Eric texted Susan*

He didn't get any response, he knew that she might have fallen asleep.

He grabbed his diary and turned around only to see Autumn standing right behind him.
*He gasped*

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you.
And I wasn't peeking this time.
I saw you from my hotel room so.. I thought of coming downstairs to check if everything's alright?*She said quickly*

Everything is surely good now *he stated while smiling*

Edward right? Because last time you were wearing a mask but I can still recognise your eye colour.
Tho, through that window it looked like it was you... And I..I am sorry I am talking nonsense*She said while fake giggling*

Yeah, Autumn, I'm Edward.
I was just a little surprised to see you here at this time *He said tho he was the one who was actually waiting for her*

So. Is there anything bothering you? I mean it wasn't even 4 Am exactly when I saw you sitting on this bench, so I reckon you're here all alone for a long time.*She said politely*

He looked at her while sitting down on the bench.

Umm. I know what you're thinking, why do I care, when we don't even know each other properly, right?*She said*

No, actually I was thinking that it's good that I get to see a person like you who do care for strangers. Do you know why people choose to harm themselves? Or why every 1 out of 3 people is in depression? Because they have nobody to talk to, to share their feelings with, to express their thoughts, they have no one *He said*

I understand, now would you mind telling me? *She asked him*

I don't know actually, I don't know what's bothering me..*he said hesitantly*

Umm Autumn, I lied to you that day *He said*

About what?*she asked*

About my work *he said nervously*

I actually work for Eric Anderson, I'm in his visual editing team *He said*

*What he said wasn't true but plausible*

That sounds so good, was that bothering you? Lying to me?*Autumn giggled*

Eric looked at her while she was giggling, he was adoring her, that how beautiful she was looking even in that nightdress.
Her laugh was mellifluous for Eric.

You know what Edward, sometimes you will feel sad for no apparent reason but trust me it's okay to be sad sometimes but what's not okay is, when you don't overcome that sadness when you let your negative side dominate your positive side *She said*

They talked for hours and it was about 5:30 Am in the morning and people were starting to arrive at that Park.

I didn't sleep last night, his concert was amazing plus I saw you *Autumn said and smiled *

I think I should go now, my friend's gonna be there in no time *She said while looking right into his eyes as she wanted to talk more but had no other option*

He shook her hands and said
"Thank you"

Oh, come on *Autumn said and smiled not realising that they were still holding hands*

Hey Autumn *he said in low tone*

Yes?*she looked at him*

Is there any chances we can talk, like.. I mean I understand if your guy won't like it, I mean I respect feelings.
Umm. I just wanna be a normal friend if.. You think it's okay, I mean.. If..if..its okay for you *He stammered*

There's no"My Guy" is my life
*she giggled*

Umm, we can be friends, but I don't have my phone with me so if you leave my hand I'll write my contact number in your diary*she said and chuckled*

Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't realise, he flipped a few pages and gave his diary to her. He had his phone with him but he didn't mention it because she could have recognized his true identity.

He was looking and smiling at her wistfully while she was writing her number in his journal.

He didn't think of the consequences of being a friend with someone he kinda likes from the day he met her while faking his identity.
All he knew was, he wanted her presence in his life.

Thank you so much for reading. #SpreadLove #RespectEveryone #NeverGiveUp <3 :). Love you all.

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