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It was unusually quiet at school. Sure, the gloomy weather and cold of autumn put a damper on people's spirits, but this...this was strange. Normally on a Friday the students of Seaside High would be buzzing with excitement. Tonight was the first football game of the season; why was no one showing school spirit? I went through the day noticing the odd behavior of the students of Seaside.

By seventh period, the day had only gotten stranger. Everywhere I went people stared at me. I could hear their whispers as I walked past them. Normally there would be talk about me but it would only be a few people. Today, today it was as though the entire student body was in on one big secret. I had a basic understanding of what was spreading through the school. I had heard the whispers and pieced the rumor together. Isaac, Jackie's friend who had talked behind my back, had something he wanted to say to me. That's all that was released to the students and their imaginations had created several situations that might play out. "Maybe he's going to ask her out?" One student suggested only to be shot down by their friend. "Isaac, with her? Please, he would rather get hit by a car then ask her out." Another scenario I heard that amused me was the fact that Isaac might apologize for the words he had said behind my back. I knew that was never going to happen. Isaac was a man of pride and honor; he never apologized for anything.

Sometime during Marine Bio a note had made it's way to my desk. All that it said was 'parking lot'. I assumed that was where I was to meet Isaac after school. I looked up and around the room to see who had passed along this piece of information but my peers were either asleep or daydreaming. No doubt the only reason they were in this class was to get an easy A. I sighed inwardly and continued to take my notes.

I could feel the suspense as I walked towards the student parking lot. The entire Junior class was outside by their cars, whispers filling the area. It wasn't hard to spot Jackie and Isaac. They were both leaning against Isaac's black convertible. I took a deep breath and made my way towards the jocks. "This really isn't necessary man; why can't you just let it go?" I heard Jackie say to his friend as I got closer to them. Isaac ignored him and a grin spread across his face as I came to a stop in front of them. The throngs of students stopped their chattering and formed a circle around us. "Ah, Dakota, I see you got my note," the jock said. He got off of his car and stood straight. "What do you want Isaac? I don't have time for your tomfoolery," I said, my voice low. "Why so impatient? Are you gonna go home and try to find your daddy?" Ouch. I narrowed my eyes at his words. His smile only grew; clearly he was satisfied to see he had hit a nerve. "What do you want?" I repeated, using a little more force.

The jock took a step towards me. "I want you to do me a little favor." I raised an eyebrow at him. "You see, I'm getting awfully tired of everyone whispering about how you're obsessed with these mermaids. I just wanted to ask you to grow up and forget about them. They aren't real." I rolled my eyes. "You're as stupid as you are talentless. Mermaids are real. Just because you can't see them doesn't mean they're not out there," I said. The smile plastered on Isaac's face vanished in an instant. "Since we're having a difficult time seeing eye to eye, let's make a little deal" I stared at the football player. I knew Isaac; he loved to play games with people, to manipulate them. He was the son of a famous con man after all.

Isaac Larison's father was the notorious con man Oliver "Ollie" Larison. When we were all still in elementary school, Mr. Larison was arrested and taken away from Seaside. Isaac was never really the same after that. He said he was fine but his attitude told a different story. All throughout middle school, Isaac got in trouble with his teachers. The rumor around town was that his mother hit him and lectured him all summer before Freshman year. Once we entered high school he became the average student and perfect athlete that he was today. Although he was a good student in the eyes of his mother, he had picked up a few bad habits along the way. He was, to be brief, a con man in the making.

"I'm listening," I said and the football star smirked. "If you truly do believe in mermaids, go get proof that they exist," he said. "What do you mean?" "Go out into the ocean and bring back a picture of one of them," he explained. I balled my hands into fists. "When?" Isaac's smile widened. "Tonight." I held out my hand towards Isaac. He looked a bit taken aback but quickly regained his composure. The jock took my hand and we shook. "Tonight," I repeated as I looked into Isaac's mischievous brown eyes.

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