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*This update is my present to you, my lovely readers. Happy holidays you guys.* -ThePumpkinQueen

As promised, I was about to go out to sea to gather proof on the mermaids. It was 9:45; Isaac had told me to meet him on the beach at 10. I began to head towards the front door but froze at the sound of my mother's voice. "Dakota?" She called from the kitchen. "Yes?" "You going out?" The middle aged woman stepped out of the kitchen, wiping her hands with a towel. She must have been cleaning the dishes. I nodded simply, looking down at my watch. "This late? Where are you going?" "Out." I could almost feel my mother roll her eyes at my response. I sighed and looked up at the brown haired woman. "Isaac and Jackie asked me to go to the game tonight," I said. I always hated lying to my mother but if I told her my true intentions she would surely ground me. She looked to the clock on the wall. "This late? Sweetie, the game is most likely over..." She began but I had already thought ahead. "There's kind of an after party. They wanted me there." I could see the shock on her face. I wasn't the most popular girl in town and party invites were an extremely rare thing. I knew she wouldn't let me miss out on this once in a lifetime opportunity. "Really? Then you should be going. Be home before two, you hear me?." I smirked. "Yes ma'am, loud and clear."

"You got the camera?" Isaac asked. We stood on the sandy beach of Seaside. The waves crashed against the light brown sand and the wind was blowing through our hair. Jackie and a few other students were behind the jock. I held up my phone. A smile spread across Isaac's face. "Good; now don't be stingy Lynx, take as many pictures as you can if you find them." I grinned and pushed a few strands of hair out of my face. "There's no if, Isaac. I will find them," I said through slightly gritted teeth. "I'm sure you will. You better hurry up. There's a storm coming." I rolled my eyes at his words but he was right, I just didn't need him of all people telling me. "Sailor's daughter remember? I'll be back before the rain starts." I turned on my heel and walked towards the small rowboat that belonged to the rental shop here on the beach. I pushed the wooden vessel out into the raging black water. I jumped over the side, letting the waves carry me out into the ocean. I grabbed an oar and began to row.

I could see Jackie, Isaac, and the others as I set out. The further I got, the smaller they seemed. Soon they were out of sight and it was just me, a girl determined to find her father, an old boat that had probably been stolen from the shop, and the choppy waves that seemed intent on making the passage difficult for me. I sighed and looked at my phone. 10:30. I stopped rowing once it seemed clear that it would be no use to me. I pulled my hair back into a ponytail and looked around. I was surrounded by the salty seas I had fallen in love with and the breeze that never failed to make me smile. I wonder if this is what my dad had felt when he was out on the water. I couldn't help but grin at the thought. He must have been so happy when he was on his boat. The wind began to sting my eyes(or that's what I told myself) and I looked over the edge of the row boat. The water below was restless. I had a feeling there would be no mermaids tonight. "Maybe I should just go back..." I started to say but shut my mouth. "No, I made a deal. I'm bringing back a picture even if I have to stay out here all night." Thunder roaring above forced me to look up. The clouds seemed darker than before, was that even possible? I didn't know and I didn't really care at the moment.

The waves began to sway the boat and I was forced to hold onto the sides tightly. Lighting streaked across the sky, contrasting greatly against the clouds. Within seconds the rain began. Rain? More like a downpour. I looked around the black ocean and my eyes widened. "Oh shit." A 50 feet wave came hurdling towards my small rowboat. I squeezed my eyes shut and prepared for impact. I knew right then and there that I wouldn't be back home before two as promised.

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