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I got out of my truck and I slowly walked along the gravel path that lead to my home. I was tired and sore but somehow I managed to find strength to return home. I reached the door and felt around for my house keys. Surprisingly they had not slipped away into the ocean like my phone. I grabbed the keys and unlocked the door.

I stepped inside to see my mother sitting on the couch. The house phone was pulled next to her and she looked like she hadn't slept all night. The brunette looked up when I closed the door and I could see relief and happiness wash over her. She stood and came to me, tackling me into a tight embrace. "Dakota," she mumbled by my ear and I heard her sniffle. I hugged her back gently. "Don't cry Mom, it's okay now, I'm home," I said, hoping to calm her down. We stood locked in the embrace for a few moments before she pulled back, looking me over. My mom ran a hand through my damp and dirty brown hair. "What happened to you? The whole town searched for you all night..." Her voice trailed off. I put a hand on her shoulder, looking into her eyes. "You might wanna sit down."

I sat across from my mother. She looked calm and collected but her eyes held worry and concern. She waited patiently as I tried to gather my thoughts. I took a deep breath and began. "Isaac Larison dared me to go out in the ocean last night." I watched her face carefully and saw slight agitation in her eyes. "Why would he dare you to go to the ocean?" I knew how my mother felt about me and the salty waters. Ever since my father vanished, she hated when I went out to sea.

"H-he wanted me to get proof of the mermaids," I mumbled quickly and under my breath. "What?" I sighed and looked my mother in the eye. "He wanted me to get proof that mermaids exist." I could see her eye twitch. If there was one thing she hated more than the idea of me going out in the ocean was my obsession with mermaids. I held my breath as I waited for my mother to blow. 3...2...1...

My mother was quick to jump off of the couch and onto her feet. "DAKOTA ANNABELLE LYNX!" I flinched at the sound of my full name and I looked up to meet her fiery gaze. "You risked your life to prove that some supernatural myth exists? How stupid can you be?!" Her words wounded my soul, my very being. All of my life I was taught to believe in the impossible. My father had installed into me his desire to find the mermaids, the creatures that had captured his heart, that had captured my heart. There was no way in hell I was going to let his teachings be insulted, not even by my own mother. I stood from the couch and looked the older woman in the eye. "They are real Mom! I can prove it! Dad could have proved it." I could see a shadow cross over her face at the mention of her husband. "Don't you dare bring your father into this young lady."

I rolled my eyes. "He's still out there. I can feel it," I began but she shook her head. "Not this again Dakota. Listen to me, Carl is dead. The sooner you accept his death, the better." I stared at my mother in horror. How could she easily believe that my father, her husband, was gone? Did she not know how wonderful of a sailor he was? He just didn't disappear, not after all he's been through with his boat and crew. "He's still alive. He wouldn't be brought down by a simple storm," I insisted but she refused to listen. "My father is the best sailor in the world! He's out there! He's alive! The mermaids wouldn't let him drown!" I screamed. "Enough with the stupid mermaids, Dakota! You're just like him. Mermaids don't exist. They're just a myth, a stupid sailor story. The sooner you realize that, the better off you'll be." "But Mom, if you just listen-," I began. "Enough Dakota!" By the time I realized what was happening, my mother's hand was already raised. The slap was hard across the face. The sound echoed through our living room. I stared at the woman. I could see in her eyes that she immediately regretted her actions. She looked at her hand then to me. "Dakota," She whispered. I took a step back, my hand on my red cheek. "Dakota..." Tears welled in my eyes but I swallowed the lump in my throat. "I'll prove to you that he's alive and the mermaids exist. I'll prove it to you and this whole damn town." I growled. With my hands balled into fists I stormed out of my house, slamming the door behind me. I stomped down the walkway to my truck. I could hear my mother screaming my name but I ignored her.

I started my truck and drove off from my house. I didn't need her. I would do whatever it took to find my father and the mermaids, even if it meant cutting off the woman who had done nothing but slandered the things I held close to my heart.

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