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(A/N: So this whole thing is gonna be in third person POV unless specified because it's easier for me to write that way. God the amount of editing this needed...)

(A/N #2: In the original rp for this fanfic me and the other person, CronusKinnie, had it where all the alpha trolls, beta trolls, alpha kids and beta kids knew each other and were all just in the same timeline. Because it was just easier for the two of us. So they all interact at one point or another. So yes, that should explain it.)

(A/N #3: Reuploading because I don't remember why I unpublished it)

"Cr9nus please st9p." Kankri sighed as he looked down at the violet blood who was currently clinging to him. As many times as he had lectured him about personal space and boundaries, Cronus still did this.
"kanny can i please just hug ya?" Cronus asked softly as he buried his face into the mutant blood's stomach and tighten his hold on his waist. "youre so wvarm..."
"Cr9nus... while I understand your 6lood is su6stantially c9lder then my 9wn I d9 have to remind you of my pers9nal 69undaries which y9ur'e currently 9verstepping." Kankri huffed.
Cronus sighed and released him, leaning back against the couch and scooting away from Kankri a bit so he wouldn't lecture him on personal space next. "ok, ok fine... i let ya go."
Kankri sighed softly and shook his head. "Thank you Cr9nus. I appreciate it." He said before returning to the notebook he had been writing in before the sea dweller had came to visit him.
Cronus sighed as he watched Kankri write, watching the facial expressions he sometimes made at the paper and his mouth mouthing the words as he wrote. "kanny?"
"What is it Cr9nus?" Kankri sighed as he looked up. "And please, st9p calling me that."
"uh, sure thing chief, but, i was just gonna ask wvhat you wvere writing about." Cronus chuckled.
"Well, t9 answer y9ur questi9n, I'm writing d9wn a lecture." Kankri said softly. "And... Cr9nus calling me 'chief' triggers me just as much as y9u calling me 'Kanny' s9 please, st9p trying to give me nicknames."
"alright fine." Cronus sighed as he leaned back against the couch again. "wvell, can ya maybe wvrite that later? i came ovwer here cause i wvanted to hang out wvith ya."
"I supp9se I can seeing as y9u w9n't st9p 69othering me until we hang 9ut and d9 whatever it is y9u came 9ver here t9 d9." Kankri said as he shut his notebook and set it on the coffee table. "Alright, what is it that y9u wanted t9 d9 Cr9nus?"
"wvell... i honestly didnt think wve wvould get this far." Cronus chuckled softly. "uh, maybe wve can like go wvalk around outside? its pretty nice out."
"I supp9se that's fine." Kankri said as he and Cronus stood up. "Is there a set destinati9n 9r are we just g9ing t9 wander ar9und with n9 set g9al?"
"does there havwe to be a set goal?" Cronus chuckled as he walked to the door and opened it for Kankri.
"N9t necessarily I was 9nly asking Cr9nus." Kankri sighed as he walked out the door. "And thank y9u f9r h9lding the d99r."
"no problem kanny." Cronus chuckled as he followed him out.
"It's Kankri n9t Kanny Cr9nus!"

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