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"look out! comin through!" Cronus yelled as he ran past Kankri and Karkat, just barely passing them without running into either of them.
"Cr9nus! What 9n-" Kankri started to yell after him before he felt someone place and hand on his shoulder and felt a slight pressure in his head.
"He's running from me Kankri. No need to get all motherfuckin upset." Kurloz's voice echoed in Kankri's mind as he Kurloz moved past him. "I apologize for touching you without warning." He said before running off after Cronus, reducing the pressure in Kankri's head as he left.
Kankri rubbed his forehead and sighed. "I've t9ld him multiple times n9t t9 d9 that... At least he ap9l9gized for 6reaking 69undaries..."
Karkat chuckled slightly. "CHUCKLEVOODOOS SHI- STUFF- AGAIN?"
"Yes. And I appreciate y9u catching y9ur triggering language." Kankri said as they continued on the walk that had been interrupted by the two highbloods.
"SO HAVE YOU EVEN TRIED TO TALK TO AMPORA YET?" Karkat shouted, getting a glare from his dancestor. "WHAT?"
"Karkat, is it p9ssible f9r y9u t9 l9wer y9ur v9ice? I'd prefer if every9ne in the area didn't hear my 6usiness." Kankri asked softly, pulling absent-mindedly a stray thread in his sleeve.
"Yeah... sorry." Karkat replied. "Stop pulling at that or Porrim is gonna screech at you for messing it up again."
Kankri chuckled softly. "I kn9w. Alright, s9 t9 answer y9ur questi9n." He started, tucking the thread away. "I have n9t g9t a chance t9 speak with Cr9nus al9ne. There is always s9me9ne else ar9und 9r sh9wing up at in9pp9rtune times... It's quite frustrating."
"I bet it is." Karkat sighed. "Alright, here's a question. Where is somewhere you know no else ever goes?"
"Well... I'm n9t sure. Every9ne seems t9 r9tate all the same areas." Kankri said after a moment of thinking.
"Then figure out somewhere no one goes." Karkat shrugged as they continued to walk in silence.

~Scene change brought to you by Porrim yelling at Kankri for messing up his sweater sleeve again~

"do you see him eri?" Cronus whispered from his spot behind a bench.
"no. i think its clear." Eridan responded as Cronus got up and sat next to him.
"thanks for keepin an eye out for me. id rather not be culled." Cronus chuckled softly.
"youre wwelcome. wwhy wwas he evven chasin you?" Eridan asked, turning to his dancestor.
"i took tunas helmet and vwas holdin it up so he couldnt reach." Cronus shrugged.
"reel smooth cro." Eridan huffed. "yer gonna get culled one day."
"i knovw." Cronus chuckled.
"wwhy didnt ya just go in the wwater? he cant get ya in there." Eridan said and rolled his eyes.
"i dont knovw, vwhy dont you go in the vwater vwhen someones after you?" Cronus snickered and crossed his arms, earning a glare from the younger Ampora.
"shut it cro."

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