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"Dualscar will y9u just-" Signless huffed as followed his unofficial kismesis around his house. "I'm trying t9 h9ld a c9nversati9n with y9u!"
"i noticed." Dualscar responded as he continued to walk around the house doing various things to annoy the troll that was trying to speak to him.
"G9g, y9u're such a pain!" Signless growled as he stopped in the doorway of Dualscar's study, attempting to block him in. "N9w-" He started to say before he was hoisted into the air and set over Dualscar's shoulder as he continued to ignore the mutant blood.
"Dualscar. Put me d9wn right n9w and listen f9r just tw9 minutes!" Signless shouted as he tried to get down himself, resulting in the violet blood's grip on his waist getting tighter.
"maybe if you wweren't so cod damn annoyin id listen. but, right novw i care not about wwhatevver it is ya want to complain about." Dualscar huffed as he walked to the front door and opened it.
"9h n9 y9u're n9t. I am n9t leaving until y9u listen t9 what I have t9 say." Signless said as he now held onto the back of Dualscar's shirt to prevent being put outside.
"signless ya absolute pain in the gills. vwhat the actual fuck is so important that ya havve the need to bother me about it?!" Dualscar huffed as he slammed the door shut again and set Signless down. "wwhat is it?!"
"D9n't raise y9ur v9ice first 9f all. Sec9nd, I wanted t9 talk ab9ut 9ur descendants." Signless said and crossed his arms.
"you dont me wwhat to do. and dear cod, vwhy do you wwant to talk about those pests." Dualscar groaned as he walked into the living room and plopped down on the couch.
"Because I think Kankri and Cr9nus are red f9r each 9ther. Well, at least Cr9nus for Kankri at least." Signless said as he sat down across from him. "And besides I have n9 9ne else t9 discuss this with, if I talk t9 Disciple ab9ut it her and her descendants will g9 ship crazy and I d9n't want t9 be caught in the middle 9f that again." He chuckled softly.
"vwhy not talk to yer moirail then? pissblood." Dualscar responded and raised a brow.
"Psii. N9t pissbl99d. And, if I did that y9u'd be after me f9r giving him s9mething else t9 tease y9u with." Signless rolled his eyes.
"wwhat vwould you be givin him?"
"Remember h9w D9l9r9sa p9inted 9ut the maj9rity 9f 9ur feelings f9r each 9ther carried thr9ugh 9ur descendants?"
"Well, Cr9nus being the cl9sest in age t9 y9u, his feelings w9uld cl9ser resemble y9ur's using that l9gic. C9rrect?" Signless said and tilted his head.
"i guess- vwait... no. i havve nevver been red for you! you insufferable prick!" Dualscar sshouted as he stood up, a voilet blush spreading on his face. "the only feelins ivwe evwer had for ya are black noww get out." He huffed before stomping out of the room.
"With that reacti9n, I call bluff." Signless as he ran out of the house before Dualscar could grab him.

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