Why are YOU here?

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"For everything...... " I said with a warm smile.
"Oh" Taehyung said blushing.
"About my stor-"
"Oh it's already late. I'll listen to it another time. You must rest! And it's getting cold, right? " Taehyung said patting my back.
"Nae Nae eomma!" I said nodding.
"Very good! " He said with a thumbs up.

At midnight :

Y/n woke up by hearing a window breaking noise.
"Who's that in this time? " I asked myself.
Y/n grabbed a frying pan and headed towards living room where the noise came from.
"She's there! " Someone whispered.
"Oh my J-" Suddenly he covered my mouth with his hand.
"See I told you this will work! " the other one said.
"Mmmm hmmmm...." I tried to say something but only these sounds came out.
"Now you can leave her, she won't yell right now! "
"Oh OK! " He said leaving my mouth.
"Oh my! Jin and Hobi! Are you guys crazy? " I screamed.
"Look, she's shouting! " Jin yelled at.  J-hope.
"You guys nearly gave me a heart attack! " I said feeling my heart beat speeding.
"Shh! Chill Y/-"
"Why are YOU here? " I asked looking like a zombie.
"Well, about Jungkook... " Jin started.
"What about Jungkook? " I asked tensed.
"Umm, as you know after you sang the song Jungkook stomped out off the room."J-hope said.
"Yes? " I said.
"But he never came downstairs, neither eat nor talk to us. " Jin said with a deep sigh.
"So.... "
"So what? " I asked.
"I thought -"J-hope  started.
"Yah! You and me, we thought together! " Jin stated.
"That's not a big deal right now Jinnie." I said messaging my temples.
"So we thought as you started this you have to end it, right? " Jin asked taking my hand in his.
"We can't see him like this! " J-hope said with a sad smile.
"You guys are great! Just give me 2 minutes. I'm grabbing my jacket! " I said and ran upstairs.
Jin brought his car and drove away quickly not wanting to waste any single minute!

I guess that's what people mean by friends. It touched my heart how they care for each other, support each other. It's really nice to have friends like them.

As we entered in the house I saw everyone sitting in their couches with a serious face.
"I told you not to disturb her!" Taehyung said disagreeing with Jin and J-hope while others kept quiet.
"It's OK, Tae. " I gave him a assuring smile.
"Second floor the third room from your right side! " Suga informed and nodded towards me, signaling me to go.
"Okay! " I said taking a deep breath.

As I opened the door of Jungkook's room my heart ached. I saw Jungkook balled up in his bed. His face swollen from the tears he left. I quickly went near him and placed a blanket. Then I was about to go check his forehead but he grabbed my hand!
"IU..... " He mumbled in his sleep.

He's calling out that IU's name in even sleep. Look what you've done to yourself?

I felt angry that's why I left his hand and step aside but suddenly he said in sleep while sobbing, "D-dont leave me..... "
That broke my heart. So I whispered that, "I'm here don't worry! Okay? I'm not going to leave you! " I said placing his head in my lap and covering him properly in the blanket.

As I took a look of his face I was suddenly mesmerized by his features

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As I took a look of his face I was suddenly mesmerized by his features. I've never seen someone looking so handsome even when he's crying. For some reason I wanted to make him cry. Oh my!

My hand wanted to touch him so badly. As I was touching his face........... kidding nothing happened!
I touched his face and my heart it was beating crazily. I started to trace his every inch of his face, then his jawline, then his chin and stopped right in front of his lips.

Why I can't touch his lips. Never mind I'm feeling like I'm doing wrong. He's so beautiful, just perfect!

I was looking at him and I never knew when I felt asleep.

In the morning :

                  Jungkook P. O. V.

I opened my eyes as the sunlight hit my face. My eyes widened when I remembered in which situation I was. I looked around and realized that I was in Seokjin's mansion. As minutes passed the situation actually hit me. I looked up and saw Y/n sleeping uncomfortably. My head in her lap, her hands in my hair.

Why Y/n, why? Hardly I moved on then why? I never wanted to fall in love again. Wait what am I saying? Love?? No no it's just a friendship, right?

I then carefully placed Y/n in bed and got up. I went to bathroom and took a quick shower. When I was done I peek out from bathroom and saw Y/n still sleeping.

Oh OK! This is my chance.

Then I headed towards living room and saw my brothers sleeping........

"Hey, guys wake up! " I called them but no one answered

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"Hey, guys wake up! " I called them but no one answered.
"Hey hey Jin hyung? Wake up! " I said shaking him a little.
"Whaaaaat???? " he said groaning.
"Maybe we're late for University!" I said a little louder.
Suddenly his eyes flung open and he looked at me, "Jungkook-ah are you okay? " He said being tensed.
By hearing that others woke up too. And all of their sleepy eyes were on me.
"W-what happened to me? " I asked confused about the situation.
"Yah! You locked yourself up after that song then Jin hyung and J-hope hyung brought Y/n for you and then we all tensed up because of you and now you're asking that WHAT HAPPENED??!!! " Taehyung said in one breath.
"Oh. " I said finding a clue.
"You OK? " Jin hyung again asked me.
"Oh yeah! Nothing really matters after so many years you know? " I lied.
"Where's Y/n?" Taehyung asked.
"Oh she's sleeping. " I said.
"What time is it? " Suga hyung asked finally opening his eyes.
"Actually we have only an hour for school starts. " Jungkook said laughing like an idiot.
"Omo! " Jin hyung stood up and went to prepare breakfast for us. Namjoon hyung tried wake Jimin hyung and.    J-hope hyung. And Taehyung hyung said, "Let's wake our Y/nie!" He said yawning.

Ouch that hurts. Why he called her      Y/nie. And why he's so free with her?

"Hyung I'll wake her up! Don't worry!"
I replied. 
"Oh ok! " Luckily he agreed.


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