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                           Y/n P. O. V.

As we met everyone Namjoon said,
"As you guys are tired as hell we will unpack the gifts tomorrow. "
"Nooo! " I said.
"Why? " Namjoon asked.
"No, please I'm soo excited. Can we please give them today? It's only evening and..... We'll take rest for a while then come back! Right? "  I said excitement never leaving my soul.
"Yeah! She's right! " Taehyung said smiling at me.
"Hmm, I don't have a problem. " Jungkook said putting a hand on my shoulder.
"Yes, we can. " Suga said.
"Really Suga hyung? Don't kill us after this. " Namjoon said.
"I'll kill you if you don't listen to me now. " Suga said as usual.
"Okay,... " Jin said.
"Tonight at our room! " Jimin squealed in happiness.
"Okay! " I also jumped up and down because of this.
"You look very happy? " Jimin asked me.
"I'm just nervous. What if he didn't like this? " I said.
"He will surely love it whoever he may be. " Taehyung said with a assuring smile.
"Oh thank you, Tae! " I smiled at him.
"I wonder who got Y/n? " Jungkook asked.
"Why? " I asked.
"Cause he stole your paper from me! " Jungkook said glaring.
"Haha.. Jungkook grow up! " I said laughing my ass off.
"What? I'm already grown up! " He said.
"Show her how big you are! " Namjoon said smirking.
"Namjoon! " Jin said.
"Today you're sleeping on the couch! " Jin declared.
"Hyung? " Namjoon furrowed his eyebrows.
"Jinnie, leave him. " I said.
"For her...  " Namjoon said trying to do aigoo but failed miserably.
"Yup, let's not fight kids. " I said trying to act like a proud mother.
"If you say so. " Jin said.
"Okay, so in Taehyung and Jimin's room at 8:15 pm. " Namjoon said and we all nodded. And Suga lazily nodded his head trying not to sleep.


Everyone gathered in their room with their gifts and everyone seemed excited.
"Okay, so as we all are here.... " Jin said.
"Wait, how did you know? Let me count. " Namjoon offered.
"Oh, please. " Jin said.
"Can we guys start already? " I said with a straight face.
"Oh yeah! " Jungkook said and we all sat up in the bed making a round.
I sat between Jin and of course Jungkook.
"Okay, so I'll go first! "  Jin said.
"And Y/n will go last. " Namjoon said.
"Why? " I whined.
"Because you're the smallest one. " Jin said laughing and patting my head.
"And you're old! " Jungkook said to Jin.
"Yeah, how's that related to this? " Jin asked angrily.
"You started this! " Jungkook said.
And there goes Jinkook bickering .......
"Jin, can you? Please? " I asked them to stop.
"You guys are wasting time and my beauty sleep! " Suga said and everybody went straight.
"So, start. Jin hyung. " Namjoon ordered.
"Okay, my partner is...... No, first I bought him a neck pillow. " Jin said.
"Oh, it's Suga hyung! " Jungkook said excitedly.
"Yup! " Jin said and handed him the gift.
Suga peeked from outside and asked Jin,
"Are you serious? "
"Whaat? " Jin asked innocently.
"Pink? " Suga said already fed up with Jin's Pink fever.
"Haha, you know? Pink is a good colour and it-"
"It's Okay, now next Suga! " Namjoon said trying to stop Seokjin.
"Hey STABH IT! " Jin said making everybody laugh.

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