Where am I?

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Y/n P. O. V.

I woke up with a severe headache and my scalp was still hurting.
"Ahhh... " I groaned as I sit up holding my head.
And when I was fully awake I noticed that I was in a different and unknown room. I've never been in this place.
I scanned the room but failed to recognise. I started to panic.
Then I heard the door knob twisting and trust me I was ready to throw myself.
A middle aged woman came inside of the room with some breakfast.
"Oh, Y/n. You're awake? How are you feeling my dear? " She asked.
"E-excuse me? Can you tell me where I am? " I asked.
"Oh yeah. How fool I am! " She said hitting her head slightly.
"Well, I am Mrs. Jeon. Jungkook's mom and you're in his room. " She said with a smile.
"Oh sorry. I was being rude. " I bowed.
"No, my dear. It's Okay. " She said patting my back.
"Now you should eat your breakfast. You are so weak. Wait. Do you have a fever? " She asked placing her head in my forehead.
"N-no I'm fine. " I assured.
"Hmm. It's normal. " she said.
"Umm. Well, can you tell me where Jungkook is? " I asked.
"Oh! He went with his dad to the police station. " she said.
"W-why? " I asked scared.
"Well, you know. To arrest your father. "
I stared at her speechless.
"After your mother was shot Taehyung called Jungkook and informed about you. Then Jungkook took you here and told me to take care of you. And they left early morning to arrest your father. " she explained me the whole situation.
"B-but you don't know him. He will harm them. Oh my! " I said panicking. "Don't worry. My husband is a police officer. " She smiled at me and I felt relieved.
"W-where is Dahyun? " I asked as the sudden thought hit me.
"Oh she is with Jungkook. Don't worry. "
"Thank god! " I sighed.
"Umm. I know I'm being annoying but can you tell me how is my mom? " I asked.
"Oh no my dear. I understand your situation. Your mom needed blood as she lost a lot. So they gave her sufficient blood and she's out of danger. " She told me and held my hand.
"Oh. Thank you so much. " I said.
Suddenly she hugged me and I let my tears flow which I was trying to hold back.
"It's okay to cry sometimes my dear. " She said as she was patting my head.
After a long tight hug we released and she said,
"You're really beautiful! Just as my son described. " She said giggling.
I blushed.
"Thank you. " I said.
"Oh, mention not. Maybe you go wash up and eat something. Then we can visit your mom. " she offered.
"That sounds great! " I said getting up. "Oh and I kept some fresh clothes in the bathroom. " She said leaving the room.
"Mom your princess is coming. "

Jungkook P. O. V.

I woke up early like really early and saw Y/n sleeping. More like fainted. I sighed and caressed her cheeks with my fingertips.
"I really wanted to sleep with you one more night but not in this situation. "
I whispered.
Then I took a shower and wore some casual clothes and headed to Kim's Mansion with my father.
As we reached there we saw Mr. Kim having his breakfast normally. No sign of guilty, no tension. My blood started to boil in anger and I thought I was getting hotter than fire. Well, no joke. I felt I was burning. I was about to go to grab his collar but my dad stopped me.
"Appa? " I looked at him in disbelief.
"If you do what you're planning you'll end up as Taehyung's mother too. And I wouldn't want that. " He said and it was true. So I calmed myself a bit.
My Dad cleared his throat and said,
"Mr. Kim if you don't mind I would like to disturb you for a moment. " Dad said so formally.
I was literally biting my lips out of frustration.
Mr. Kim nodded. And then my dad continued,
"Well, we've got a complain against you and you are accused of murdering. " My dad said.
He was normal. Just Normal? I was now loosing my patience. My once again stepped on my foot to stop me.
"So, would you like to come with us and discuss about it? " My father asked.
He just nodded and told one of his men,
"This news shouldn't go out. " He glared at him and came with us in the police station.


Taehyung P. O. V.

I was sitting in front of mom's ward and Mark was sleeping in my shoulder. I really was feeling like an older brother but I am the worst son. I couldn't save my mom from the bullet. I really didn't sleep the whole night. So, I closed my eyes and rested my eyes for sometimes. Then I heard footsteps coming towards us and as I opened my eyes I saw Y/n coming into our direction and Mrs. Jeon following her.
As she saw me she quickly hugged me wasting no moment. I chuckled at her cuteness.
"Tae, are you okay? " She asked me and started to check me.
"Yes, phabo ya. You should worry about yourself. " I said.
"Why? "
"Cause you're life is in danger. " I said. "Don't worry Jungkook will take care of him. " she said not worrying at all.
"You trust him that much? " I asked.
"Hmm. I'm sure. " She nodded.
"Perfect... " I mumbled.
"What did you said? " she asked.
"Oh nothing. " I said.
"By the way, can I see her? " She asked.
"Yes. Go and take a look at her. " I said.

Y/n P. O. V.

"Yes. Go and take a look at her. " Taehyung said.
I went inside the room and saw my mom's motionless body lying on the bed. So many wires attached to her body.
I slowly went near her and sat on the nearest chair and took her hand in mine.
"Look what you've done to yourself? " a tear rolled down from my eyes.
"You're here because of me. I guess I'm the worst daughter. I only cause trouble.... " I said now crying my heart out.
"D-dad wants to kill me. If he kills me then you should know that I LOVE YOU MOM.... " I said.
"Don't you trust me? " A familiar voice spoke. And I turned my head towards that voice.
"Your dad is in jail.... "

Author's note :

I'm sorry if there's any grammatical mistakes. Well, English isn't my mother tounge. So, I guess it's Okay to make mistakes.... 😅😅😅😅

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